Sunday 22 January 2012

Matsuko x24

Since the VW Jeuno T6 flan NM drops Athos body, I ended up having to spam this NM for it.

This is one NM that most NA /shout pt has trouble with, and currently the hardest VW, that 95% of /shout pt only ended up as wipega, I was 9/24 when I did it with other ppl's /shout pt, which is lower than 40% success rate.

It's also my first time attempt a "hard" VW since I started VWLS.

I have to admit, the amount of elitism I have to deal with from other LS while trying to do this NM is never before seen. I ended up having to do tones of research, ask on forums, read a lot of info, watch a lot of JPs do it, just to reduce the chance of failing to minimum.

But I believe that being "elite" isn't required to win, as long as leader knows how to organize. Since most of the leader doesn't know how to organize VW, only knows how to blame pick-ups when it doesn't go well.

My first run failed 2x, after a bit more research and practice, and changing pt setup + watch more vid, I managed to get a little bit over 50% success rate(7/12).

I also managed to get into JP pt and see how they organize once. It's a good learning process, they're 12/12 and every fight lasts only less than 5 min, although sometimes they do face shitty proc, they always managed to pull it together and win even with only 1 HQ.

I guess as a pt lead, there are something that can improve a little after learning from JPs.
1. Make a macro to remind ppl pop fana after 2hr almost done.
2. Attempt to do weapon proc during chainspell, then do easy magic/JA proc if weapon can't proc in time.
3. Ask RDM to /BLM for stun(instead of SCH) NIN SJ DNC, WAR SJ MNK, and DRK SJ DRG.

I also used 3 WHM for that fight, although I'm debating changing one WHM to either MNK(for h2h proc, since we're stuck on this proc many times) or BLM (many JP flan pt seems to have 1 extra BLM for proc outside of BLM tank pt)

If I can find a way to get rid of shitty proc situation, probably more chance to get 12/12 every run.

And that will be my goal for all future flan runs, 100% success rate, every fight last 5 min.

Anyways, although it seems weird since VWNM run is very different from old school EG event that 60% pt are /shout ppl, but time to make pic for first real ImmortalFlames LS victory(ok, I also did T4~T5 clear runs with LS before, but that doesn't really count)

Hmmmmm, looks just like something no? Or wait.

I can't remember who gets what so I didn't make "drop" pic, I only remember pretty much everyone gets athos except me ;(

Btw, Matsuko is how JPs call that flan, so I just follow XD.

Anyways, time to post epeen SS as always.


After a lot of cruor farm, I managed to upgrade my Atmacite of Slayer to lv 15. With AGI+ spell from WHM and wizards roll, WF dmg was boosted to 3k+ easily with fireshot. I wonder if doing 4k WF on B.rex is possible?

After spamming flan x24 in one day(12 more with JPs), no Athos is no Athos, I guess this flan is just as stingy as Qilin, Pil, Ocythoe and such.

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