Saturday 11 February 2012

Graduated from Bubu

After nearly 70 kills of B.rex, finally.

Athos's Tabard gotgotgotgotgotgotgot!.

I have to admit, the process of making B.rex pt every week is somewhat of a weird experience. Some ppl requested to add me on FL so I can grab them when I make B.rex pt, and my FL happened to got a lot longer than it used to be thanks to B.rex.  Some ppl lied(probably, or else you wouldn't avg 200 thundaja on that flan) about having max elemental magic skill just so they can get in. Some ppl harass or insult when they can't get into the pt due to not meeting requirement, some even request me to kick other members to fit in. All sorts of weird things going on, thanks to this shitty and yet challenging NM(until AoE nerf at least)

For anyone interested in making a successful /shout pt for B.rex, here are some tips. Hopefully following those tips which I discovered after winning(and wiping)  may pt, so ppl can start making their own successful pt instead of having to do all sorts of dirty tricks to get in.

1. The strat I used is BLM burn, which is the most popular strat among JPs. I heard Ukko WAR melee zerg works, and I've seen it worked well (killed it in under 2 min), however that requires a couple of VERY well geared Ukko WAR, personally I don't know any. So I'd rather just play safe and use this method, which is safe and easy to do with /shout pt as long as leader is picky enough.

2. My pt setup:

If your BLMs are very pimp, you can just use 4 BLMs and have a MNK to include h2h+ some club/staff proc. If your BLM are just random avg BLM, it's safer to use 5 BLM instead of 4 for more dmg. Personally I'd rather do it with 5 BLM and just reset if it really locked on proc.

3. There are certain requirement for some jobs when leader making pt. WAR needs /MNK if pt has 5 BLM and no MNK for Chi blast. DRK needs to /DRG, NIN needs to /DNC, RDM needs /BLM. WHM needs to /SCH and must have firestorm + boost AGI spell for WF RNG and CORs. Plus cure potency 50%. BLM needs thundaja/magian staff/capped elemental magic, and fully upgraded atmacite. All melees needs to have every weapon skill capped, like NIN needs GK, WAR needs polearm, DRK needs GA and axe(war can do it, but faster if 2 ppl doing it) MNK needs club staff etc. PLD BLU can also do club. And RNG COR needs WF.

I often made sure everyone that wants to join meets the requirement. Anyone not meeting the requirement will increase the chance of wiping a lot. A lot of VW /shout leaders doesn't setup requirements when they /shout, or just easily make exceptions, that's often why VW /shout pt often fail or kills slow(or they just didn't know how to make right setup in general) Empy isn't requirement for melees in this fight as procs are more important though.

It's a very time consuming process to ask everyone that sent /tell about the detail of their jobs. However it's better than spend 1hr+ to make a pt, and in the end pt wiped 4x.

4. Before I popped, I also disband and buff BLM pt with wizards roll, then go back to my pt. With newly augmented relic+2 head, my buff can stay for almost 7 min, enough to go back to my pt, buff 2x and zerg the NM down in 3 min.

Also have DRK and RDM/BLM assigned for stun role to stun 2hr. Have ppl make fool/fana warning macro with call to remind ppl pop fool/fana during/after 2hr. Also BLMs need to cancel shell, and WHM/SCH need to buff pt with firestorm+boost AGI for WF.

5. After NM popped, I often have PLD hold it while other ppl find HQ hint by spamming dia or having PLD spam WS JA. Many JP pt doesn't went through this process, so sometimes when I pt with JPs they ended up started DDing from the beginning and pull hate+MPK. I'm more comfortable to went through this process though. Save w/e EV HQ hint for 2hr.

6. Everyone in BLM pt(include BRD SMN) full attack with fana, must have scherzo, Manawall and Earthean armor up. BLM nuke with thundaja thunder V etc. WFers spams WF while hate on BLM pt. Off pt BLM(BLM not in SMN BRD pt) work on proc. Melees pop fana and work on melee NQ procs but save HQ.

7. At 70% it will chainspell, RDM and DRK stun it, pop fool and fool warning macro. Do HQ/EV proc. At the end of 2hr pop fana and fana warning macro, so no one gets one shotted by TP move after 2hr ends. At 30% NM will charm melees+BLM pt, so all back line jobs must save fana for it.

8. BLM pt and melees pop fana again after 2hr and finish it. Depending on how pimp your pt is, you can kill the NM with just 1 HQ/EV proc. The gimper the pt, the more HQ/EV proc is needed to finish it, therefore higher chance of wiping. That's why dmg output of entire pt is very important. If fight starts to drag with too many ppl weakened and no proc, may as well run away and reset, probably much faster to just run and reset. This thing should be dead in 3 min if done right, if it lasts more than 3 min, it's either someone lying about their BLM, or BLM didn't pop temp fast enough and died, or just bad proc. But since 2 HQ is needed to cap light, do 2nd HQ at about 30%~40% ish.

9. And just finish it!


I realized the job COR is actually more suitable as a pt lead. This job is, IMO, MADE to be a pt lead job.

One of the reason is because in order to make use of full potential of variety of buffs, COR needs to have somewhat high influence in the direction where this pt goes. A lot of pt leads tend to ignore such detail. A good pt lead needs to have clear idea of where the pt is going and how to do it right, but a lot of pt lead have no idea how to use buffs properly. And even if they know what to buff the pts, a lot of CORs just follow without thinking. And unless COR itself is pt lead, I don't know how to solve this problem tbh.

This job is, IMO, supposed to be controlling the flow of pt. And jobs like WAR or MNK doesn't need to control the flow of pt, only need to smash things up, or proc w/e comes up.

That's why I rarely join other ppl's pt on COR, because 99% of pt lead will just put me in slight disadvantage, that I'd rather make my own pt.

For example, many VW pt lead still don't put BRD in DD pt, COR without BRD buff dmg will drop shit(not just melee drop shit) Many VW pt lead doesn't do roll rotation for another pt too, and even if they know how to do it, not every COR geared/merited that way to be roll rotation friendly. Once I even got invited into a pt, but put me in mage pt instead of DD pt, and told me to do snapshot roll, on a T6 VWNM. Which was just major /facepalm.

Sometimes which job benefits from which buff requires thinking and lots of research from different parse results, that only pt lead can do it most efficiently, to make decisions about which buff to use. When to use defensive buffs, when to use offensive ones, and when to use both by placing pt memebers on different spot.

And it's sad, that although that there are a LOT more CORs these days and most have WF, that I got them fairly easily in VW /shout, I can probably name only 1~2 of them that really think a lot about other aspect the job, and have deep fundamental understanding about those aspect too. Most of them I run into still stuck with do 2 rolls and spam WF without thinking.....everytime when I see ppl spam WF on Qilin I can't help but /facepalm.

Oh and btw, thanks to firestorm, boost AGI, change of SJ and new gears, my WF now avg 3k on this flan with just one dmg+ atmacite(2nd one being save TP+20), which I'm pretty happy with. When I just revived COR, it only avg less than 2k on NM, now it's a lot stronger than 1.5 months ago.


  1. Congrats on the well-deserved Athos's Tabard, you earned it.

    There was something in point #4 that I didn't understand though: "Also BLMs need to cancel shell". Why?

    Making B.Rex parties must have been a unique experience that you longed for in FFXI. Grats again.


  2. So scherzo/armor easier to activate. Also the lower HP BLM has, the better it is.


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