I did some search on FFXIAH.com and managed to come up with an enmity- set. Note that enmity- from gears capped at 50, so I only add enough enmity- gears to reach 50 cap, which is enmity- 50%. I'm not really sure if enmity- from merit can break enmity- from gears or not, since I can't seems to find the info anywhere again(?) So I just assume I'm too lazy to change the merit and it stays the same.
I also tried my best to find enmity- gears that doesn't take away a lot of MAB slot, and offers some AGI at least. Praeda set has STP and enmity-, so I put them on the list. Lenore's hairpin/Mirador's trousers has high AGI and lots of enmity-, so I put both of them in the set as well. Rest of the gears are just usual AGI and MAB in that slot, plus vulcan's staff etc. The goal is to reach -50 enmity while keeping as much MAB and AGI as possible.
And when I compare, I compare with high dmg set like this, which is the current set I have:
Note: One of my ring isn't stat+7 ring, it's only +6....I still have my doubt about INT-, and 1 AGI makes very small difference anyways, so I use AGI+6 ring instead. But 95% of ppl would use 2x stat+7 rings, so when I calculate the total AGI, I'd calculate stat+7 rings x2. Oh and btw, I don't have AGI+ grip, so I used STP one(Rose strap).
My lv 90 COR/SAM has 90 AGI total, a lv 95 COR/SAM may have higher or lower depending on the race/merit etc.....so I'll just use 90, the number wouldn't make a very big difference anyways.
According to wildfire dmg calculator, enmity- set losts about 500 WF dmg. I played with monster's INT at 80/100/120, only 100 dmg difference anyways. So I just use 80 INT.
The enmity- set has 134 AGI and 13 MAB total, should deal 1318 dmg on a monster with 80 INT before calculating monster's magic resist. Expected CE is about 1647 based on the enmity generating formula. WF has 25% enmity- if WS at 100 TP, so 1236 enmity generated after WF. With enmity- 50 from gear it generates 618 CE total.
CE cap at 10000, so I can do 17 WF before enmity reaches cap, resulting 22406 total dmg.
The high dmg set has 165 AGI total and 37 MAB, should deal 1834 dmg according to calculator, expected CE is about 2292, if WS at 100 TP it generates 1719 CE.
So 6 WF before reaching cap, 11004 dmg total.
Enmity- set deals twice as much total dmg as high dmg set if enmity is an issue. I believe it's probably a better WS set for ppl subbing SAM(since this SJ allows you to spam WS like no tomorrow). I haven't done the calculation when fighting mobs with higher magic resist and result WF dmg lower than 1k. But 1.2k~2k WF dmg is pretty average in VW, in that case enmity- set would probably win, unless mob almost die and you're zerging with fanatics.
I've been working on COR gears/atmacite upgrade for VW when I feel like playing it again, and been thinking about dropping snap shot precast set(which just doesn't seems to worth the inv in any way) to fit in MDT- set, but maybe I can drop MDT- set to fit an enmity- WS set too, and only switch to high dmg set when dmg is really needed like blitz zerg etc.
Or maybe drop melee haste set in VW to fit in both MDT- and enmity- set............melee set is only good at getting sword/dagger proc anyways, can just put acc gears in sack and take it out if needing to land a dagger WS or something.
Time for more gil grind I guess ;< ;< ;< Ever since I start playing FFXI again it seems like all I'm doing is farming gil and buying AH gears for x set and y set ;<
EDIT: Just realized that enmity- set I posted sucked......don't need to use Praeda set, and can use Cruedlis belt for both AGI and enmity-, with merits still can reach 50, but able to keep hand/feet slot for massive AGI.
P.S, on some of the VWNM such as Pil, COR/SAM WF average is only 1.2k, probably due to magic resist Pil has. In that cast enmity- set WS dmg would probably drop below 1k. I still haven't done the math about NMs with high magic resist and such. Doing 1.2k WS dmg may take much longer to reach cap and making high dmg set better again....but I'm just guessing.... Too tired and want to head to bed ;<
ReplyDeleteHmmm managed to redo the enmity- set, and able to keep AF3+2 feet(which is too good for one slot) and AGI+9 hands, also added cruedlis belt, still able to reach enmity -50 with merits. Also did a bit of math, if I'm guessing correctly, WF should do about 900ish dmg on Pil with /SAM without temps, but only generate 458 CE. I still need to do a bit more testing about it to see.