Tbh, I'm extremely disappointed with last FFXI update, that I feel zero intention to log in anymore. Building a Mythic had been my only driving force to play XI for a while, and now it's getting weaker and weaker, mostly because I realized that I will never finish unless SE changed something, and even if I finish it will remain as a subpar weapon that I should have just spend the gil and effort on lv 95 Arma/Almace instead. The fact that there's nothing new except a few more + stats piece of gear introduced and a few more VW which I don't even have access to, makes me utterly disappointed.
I decided to focus on FFXIV while hoping SE to fix FFXI, somehow.....
FFXIV just got an update earlier today, I logged on and did a bit of leve to play with a bit of new system.
Basically, this game is now very, very different from how it used to be with new ability system. To a point that I almost have no idea how to play anymore since I need to relearn everything again.
The new system is a mix of old FFXIV and FFXI, but keep the best of both worlds. Now a class gets to use all it's ability without needing to set it. However you can still set some of the other abilities from other classes. It certainly gave freedom to choose your own play style while utilizing the abilities of other classes, but still keep your main class relevant.
I also played a bit with the combo system, seems like the upgrade version of SC in FFXI. Some of the Pugilist moves requires certain position, although I was soloing leve, but I was still busy doing combo and adjusting positions(adjust positions works while solo, this was surprising), this makes combat extremely fun even without teammates.
Although power-level(leech pt) for lving a class is pretty popular nowadays, I'd still recommend all the leechers go do some leve/EXP pt just to learn how new system works.
I do lost some of the old abilities I used to spam a lot though, shock spikes(one of the best solo spell) is gone, so does many other useful abilities. Some of their level requirement is a lot higher than it used to be, so they're no longer accessible. Also some of the guild marks moves are gone, I missed it, but I guess things just changed for the better.
However the new system is also a lot less redundant. There used to be a lot of tier 1&2 abilities/spells, now it's only one tier. I guess having multiple tier of offensive move just isn't necessary in any way.
Pugilist now has the ability to turn on the offensive mode and defensive mode, both mode sacrifices MP to keep it activate, but with MP recover moves and JA, it's still possible to recover MP mid-battle. IMO it's pretty well designed, has a lot more strategy while fighting the mobs, and MP has more use for a melee job instead of just using it for casting magic.
I also noticed my evasion on Pugilist seems to be a bit higher ._., I have no idea why. But that's a good thing, Pugilist is supposed to be an evasion job anyways.
Anyways, between using combo, adjusting positions, and picking right JAs to use, the new changes makes battle extremely fun to play with. I had fun playing with Pugilist, which is something I never imagine I'd enjoy in FFXI on MNK.
I also attempted a bit more storyline and headed to Mor Dhona. I tried to get there very long time ago, but died on the way with high lv mobs. Now that I know the way to avoid it(still have no choco so have to walk atm), I finally stopped being lazy and headed there for the storyline.
My first time been to Mor Dhona!
I know it's a bit late, but getting to this last zone in this game before SE redo all the maps had been one of my goal. Now I guess goal accomplished.
I have to say so far the changes of FFXIV are looking good. It still haven't provide some of the unforgettable memory FFXI once gave me. But I personally doubt those unforgettable moment in XI can be replaced due to the nature of XIV. However at this point of time, XIV sure is looking more, way more promising than XI.
I admit, I was a bit pissed SE just let XI rot.
What else I can say? SE is willing to change XIV entirely to save it, but unwilling to change anything in XI. Made some new WS that looks promising and game changing, then nerfed everything that's even close to empy. Added a lot of new armors, and 95% of them are either sidegrade, or 1% of upgrade like this stat +1, that stat+2 etc. New Nyzul isn't up, lack of heavy metal plate supply problem isn't solved, just a few more level and few more VWNM, come on.
Ok a few more dynamis upgrade....sidegrade I mean, COME ON.
You made Abyssea 1 year ago that changed how XI works entirely and somewhat revived the game, why can't you do it now? That you have to rely on old recycled stuff and handing out relic(Mythic possibly next)to keep this game alive?
I guess until majority of players in XI quit, SE will never realized they need to put as much effort in XI to save this dying game as well. Then there's really no point to spend THAT much amount of time on a weapon if that's the fate of XI.
It is utterly disappointed and in fact insulting for any long time XI players that's been supporting this game for so long, ppl support your game, and that's what we get.
SW:KOTOR is coming out a in a couple more days. And GW2 is next, which I've been waiting for a very long time. Let's see if those games will make SE wake up and do something to save it.
Forgot to add 99 Mythic item trial dropping from PW...........fucking retarded, I will never finish even one weapon lv 99. Dumbest way to keep ppl playing and paying for it. They better fix this BS before players rage quit.