The main debate about gear set is whether AGI heavy set(Loki/AF3+2 or Ambusher) is better than MAB heavy set (Mirke/Desultors with MAB augment) or not, in terms of pure dmg output(not counting STP etc) Most ppl seems to believe 2AGI=1MAB, therefore Mirke/Desultors with MAB augment wins. However, in reality AGI and MAB ratio changes all the time and it's not really static 2AGI=1MAB.
Anyways, here's how I test it, I used 2 sets, one set is AGI set with Loki/AF3+2 legs, this is also the standard set I've been using all the time.
Another set is MAB set with ACP/ASA pants with MAB augment. Mirke has MAB+4 and AGI+5, Desultor has MAB+4 AGI+2
Note that I do not have Sveltesse Gouriz, since I don't like inv-1 on one WS gear that I'm not even 100% sure if it's better than Aquiline or not.
General rule for WF gear is, if you're already having certain amount of AGI, gearing for more AGI will be less effective than gearing for MAB, and vice versa. If you're fighting enemies with high INT, then AGI will have greater effect than MAB.
If I test in Abyssea, my atma would be Ultimate/Smoldering sky/Lone wolf. First I tested in Abyssea La Theine, with /SAM. No firestorm/weather bonus, no temps no wizards roll, used fire shot before all WS. Since WF dmg is incredibly stable, I only WS 2~3 times on those, the dmg is mostly the same anyways.
AGI heavy set:

MAB heavy set(ACP/ASA with MAB augment):

Then I popped an Ascetic's Tonic, and did a No.11 wizards roll.
AGI heavy set:

MAB heavy set:

At least in Visions zone and /SAM, MAB>AGI without MAB buff, with MAB buff AGI>MAB. This pointed out that WF CORs may actually gear differently depending on which SJ he/she's using and whether you're using temp items and wizards roll or not.
What about in Heroes zone? Where you'll get way more AGI from cruor buffs visions zone.
Tried Abyssea U.range with /SAM, on my beloved Buffalos.
Once again, without MAB temp items and roll:
AGI set:

MAB set:

And if I pop MAB temp/MAB roll:
AGI set:

MAB set:

And if I go change to /RDM, getting 24 MAB from SJ:
AGI set with MAB temp/roll:

MAB set with MAB temp/roll:

It seems that the AGI buff in heroes zone(or maybe it's just because buffalos has extremly low INT) is so high, to a point that if you /SAM, MAB set will always win, with or without MAB temp/rolls. But if you change to /RDM, with MAB temp/rolls, it will push the ratio of MAB higher and the dmg will favor AGI set again.
This also means I've been gearing wrong the ENTIRE time when I duo/solo Audumbla on COR/SAM with Wildfire zerg. I should have been using MAB set even with MAB temps/rolls.
/sadface, gimp noob gearing it wrong! Q.Q
Anyways, I also tested both sets outside of Abyssea, on VWNM. I don't get to WS a whole lot, so it may not be 100% accurate, but the result is pretty similar, with wizards roll AGI set wins, without wizards roll MAB set wins if I /RDM.
On T1 Worm, /RDM, no food, no weather bonus, no wizards roll:
AGI set:

MAB set:

On Peist NM, /RDM, no food, no firesday weather bonus, with No.11 wizards roll on:
AGI set:

MAB set:

On Slime NM, /RDM, no MAB buff, no food/firesday bonus:
AGI set:

MAB set:
With No.11 wizards roll, still /RDM on same NM:
AGI set:

MAB set:

However, there are still exception to this rule, after slime NM I changed my SJ to /WHM just to make my life and other pt member's life easier, then we go pop T3 vampire.
This NM seems to have some weird magic resist/magic def, or just having high INT. WF dmg is slightly lower than other VWNMs(But not as bad as windy T4 iron giant ones, that's one VWNM slug actually do more dmg than WF)
/WHM on this NM, no wizards roll:
AGI set:

MAB set:

I have no idea why AGI set wins even without /RDM and no MAB buff. My guess is either:
1. Luck, when I WS with MAB set on it just happen to resist, or that NM's Magic def just kicked in or something.
2. That NM has extremly high INT, making AGI set stronger.
After all those tests that kinda answered some of the questions I had in mind for ages, why /RDM(24 MAB) beats /BLU(20 MAB 9 AGI) when I tested it last time? Prehaps in heroes zone with that much AGI from cruor buff and with squid sushi popped, it just favors /RDM more since it has more MAB. I didn't even think I used wizards roll when I tested it, to avoid getting different numbers. And all that varibles made /RDM with more MAB superior SJ for this WS than /BLU when I tested it.
Time to make 2 WS macros for this WS ;<
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