Due to some JP(I think) BLU has been showing off his lv 90 Tizona + lv 90 Almace recently while afking in Jeuno, there were some debate about Tizona v.s Almace in LS going on.
Basically, some ppl flamed(you know there are always players who flamed other ppls gear for everything, especially if they're relic/empyrean/mythic owners and geared differently) the JP BLU for mainhanding Tizona and offhanding Almace, which is a waste of best DD sword. While the other side claim Tizona/Almace is best combo outside of abyssea, since Tizona can drain MP and Almace has high DPS as an offhand weapon. And it's an even bigger waste to offhand Tizona since it's harder to obtain than Almace.
So a quick analyze of Tizona/Almace combo v.s Almace/STR shamshir+2 combo.
Note that I don't have any of the sword, and not really a passionate BLU gear grind fan(never really /jelly about other BLUs owning Tizona or Almace), so I believe my opinion should be more objective than ppl who has those weapons since I'm not emotionally attached to anything XD. One problem often occurred in "which gear is better" debate is some ppl already own the weapon will be biased toward their own weapon, or the weapon they spent more effort to obtain. You may think ppl who own the weapon will know it better, but it's often not true.
Yes I admit I don't have concrete info about the MP drain rate of lv 90 Tizona, the only info I had is based on lv 75 version(which has shit MP drain rate of 10% at 75 btw). But even at lv 90 I doubt the MP drain rate will be higher than 60%
Basically, if you're in Abyssea, there's no way Tizona can compete with 6k dmg CDC, especially when you can get unlimited MP in abyssea. So the debate is really outside of Abyssea only.
Some ppl in LS claimed Tizona/Almace combo is better because BLU is supposed to spam spells, if you need melee/WS dmg from Almace/STR shamshir+2 to DD on NM you may as well just job change to a real melee job that can do way more.
So the real question is, in what situation that a BLU needs a Tizona to maintain MP, while sacrificing tones of DPS/WS dmg from Almace?
Here is a list of possible situations to use BLU outside of abyssea.
1.Killing EP mobs in Ein/Nyzul/dyna, since BLU kills fast.
If you're killing EP mobs in old game content with spell spam, you may run out of MP fast if you only spam big spells, however with the TP/WS dmg from Almace, you actually saved MP to deal dmg. Plus MP efficent low recast time spells like Delta thrust allows BLU to spam it forever and never run out of MP. So if you're DDing in Einherjar/Nyzul/Dyna, MP drain from Tizona doesn't really have slight advantage in terms of dmg output, especially when you're casting a lot, you can't really drain much MP to use for more dmg anyways.
2.Headbutt spam whore
If you're headbutt spam stun whore on BLU, you shouldn't run out of MP as well. BLU is able to reach 7MP/tick refresh with capped haste, headbutt recast time is about 5~6 sec, so you will never run out of MP and you can headbutt forever. MP drain not needed. Although macc does help headbutt spam.
If you're nuking, you're nuking with a staff. Plus the only nuke that's useful outside of abyssea is Regurgitation for bind. And if you're binding the mob you won't melee it. So Tizona has zero advantage on this.
4.Healing other pt members
Similar to nuking, if you're main healing the pt, you're using a staff. However there are exceptions. If main healing the pt with a light staff allows better cures but less cure used, then main healing the pt with a Tizona MP drain allows more cure being used from more MP, but doesn't cure as much as light staff. The result may actually pretty similar in terms of total HP healed. Except meleeing while curing the pt allows more DPS than staying back line and cure with a staff. IMO, it's one situation that Tizona may has an advantage, although entirely not needed since BLU is usually not main heal anyways.
5.Tanking while survive-ability is an issue
This is, IMO, one of the few situations Tizona may be more useful than Almace. Most of the BLU defensive spells are such huge MP sponge. Occultation 138 MP, Saline Coat 66 MP(and only last 1 min), Magic barrier, Auroral Drape, Feather Barrier, Actinic burst, headbutt and cocoon cost less, but if you're casting all of them it can be pretty taxing outside of abyssea. Also if survive-ability is a problem the main WS will probably be Sanguine for HP drain, further favoring Tizona since you won't get the ODD dmg aftermath bonus from Almace.
Still, since the main reason why Tizona team is against almace is because you can job change, so you may as well job change to PLD or MNK if survive-ability is an issue while you tank. Unless it's emergency tanking when main tank died or d/c.
Also I wouldn't offhand an Almace if I'm having trouble keep myself alive, I'd offhand a PDT- shamshir or something.
6.Soloing stronger mobs
This is probably only use for Tizona that doesn't involve job change. Similar to tanking, defensive and cure spells are MP sponge, and you'd need all the MP to keep yourself alive if you're soloing stronger NMs.
Another question is which mob outside of abyssea that requires a Tizona to solo?
I have no problem soloing Fenrir, and pretty much every mob in Nyzul, (haven't try floor boss NM solo, but other NMs or Dahak can easily be soloed) without a Tizona. There are other solo videos about BLU soloing TOAU 44, Alexander prime, ACP and MKE last boss without Tizona as well.
No really, I still think w/e BLU can solo with a Tizona, it can be soloed with an Almace+either/elixir spam too, and kill it in 5 min instead of 10 min.
No matter how I look at it, Tizona really isn't as game changing to BLU as Almace....
The only situation that it may be needed is really just emergency tanking while shit happened and main tank died.(that's what BLU's best at, able to change role quickly and fit in the situation)
MP problem you can get away with it in many ways. Play smarter to save MP, get a RDM or BRD in pt, or use items. But natural weakness of weak DPS/WS dmg, there are really no other way to get around with it without an Almace.
If your BLU is only a CW burn/yellow proc whore, then big chance you won't need any of the sword. If you use BLU a lot more than just CW burn/yellow proc, you'd still get more benefit from increased DPS/WS dmg from Almace most of the time.
So I guess Tizona is really completely not needed and doesn't really help a lot unless you're a really dedicated BLU main.
Almace>Tizona =D
IMO, here is a list of empy weapon ratings for it's respective jobs.
Rank 1- Weapons that are game changing, that gives new value for it's respective jobs...if you don't have this weapon on this job, there are something you can't do, and no one will want you to play this job if you don't have it:
Ochain for PLD(Makes PLD able to tank with very little support, and beast solo machine. No.1 empy in my mind.)
Armageddon for COR(Ok, I admit, may* be biased here since I have one and may not be as objective. But come on, every COR I run into has an Arma or Arma path weapon equipped for a reason. Plus low enmity ranged magical dmg that has higher dmg than BLM T5 nuke and recharges faster is really hard to replace no?)
Rank 2- Weapons that are great and worked very well, but those jobs can get the job done without empy weapon just fine, and ppl will still want you to play this job if you don't have it:
Kannagi for NIN in Abyssea(Helps KI grind process faster, but NIN can get the job done without it just fine)
Verethragna for MNK(Same for NIN, MNK can get the job done without it, but it makes it faster)
Ukonvasara for WAR(if you need dmg, you get the best dmg)
Daurdabla for BRD(3 songs are nice, but if you want a BRD, 2 songs are enough)
Almace for PLD(PLD needs more dmg)
Gandiva for RNG(If you need ranged physical dmg, you got ranged physical dmg.)
Twashtar for THF and maybe DNC (Tbh I personally don't think Twashtar is on par with the above weapons, but TH has irreplaceable value in this game since forever, I guess it more or less can fit in right here)
Rank3- Weapons that are also great and worked very well, and certainly a huge improvement compare with other weapons, but the jobs that uses it is completely replaceable by other jobs with better performance in given circumstances if you click the magical job change button.
Masamune for SAM(I've read the argument that Masa SAM>Ukko WAR outside of Abyssea, but personally I'd rather to have a weapon that's both good inside and outside....)
Caladbolg for DRK(I see Zeig Q.Q =D)
Almace for BLU(Job change if you need melee/WS DD lah!)
Rank4- You can skip those weapons and you'll be just fine.
Everything else that's not listed, especially if you're a mage job.