Thursday, 21 July 2011

More THF, and enmity

My previous post mentioned that I don't really enjoy THF.....and part of the reason is probably because how bad SA/TA(the main feature of this job besides TH whore and feint whore) JA is and not really practical nowadays.

One of the JP job guide I used describes THF as enmity control DD, so it's supposed to be an enmity control DD to get hate on the tank by dealing big WS dmg with TA.

But pt today works like this:

WAR 10k Ukko==>enmity capped
MNK 5k VS===>Enmity capped, mobs turned around
WAR 8k Ukko====> enmity capped, mobs turned around again
(5 sec passed)
WAR 9k Ukko====>enmity capped again

TA recast time 1 min, with DDs getting hate every 5 sec after WS and mobs spinning around like a fan makes this JA mostly useless as an enmity control JA.

Not to mention tanks nowaday shouldn't have enmity problem, and if they do, TA isn't gonna change it. Low enmity from Cure V also makes enmity not that big of a problem for mages.

Even outside of abyssea on VWNMs with PLD tank, Ager has no problem keeping hate on him as a PLD while everyone else trying for proc, unless it's an NM that resets hate.

As a DD JA, 1 min recast time for both JAs makes it unrealistic to rely on to boost dmg output as well, not to mention it requires way too much effort for THF and other pt members to adjust their pos and losing DPS. WAR can literally spam same lv of Ukko dmg as SATAed RS, without waiting for SA/TA or adjust pos, every few sec. Also one mistake(say if someone moved) will result lose of JA, or TAed wrong person.

SE also mentioned they're gonna do something about enmity for RNG as well, so who still needs SA/TA nowadays?

If THF is just an average geared THF and no empyrean WS, fat chances are hate still gonna be on WAR after THF SA/TAed the PLD, LOL.

Collaborator/Accomplice is also a poorly designed enmity control JA and not really game changing. It can be a lot more useful if it's a 10 sec recast JA and works on alliances member.

Outside of Abyssea THF also has slightly lower dmg output compare with other DDs, to a point that no one cares about it. Even inside it's not on the top either.

This makes me wonder if SE really needs to rework on enmity....if real tank job like PLD is a no one love job, and enmity control DD like THF won't make a damn difference in pt, then there's something wrong.

I feel some of the game mechanics designed 8 years ago no longer worked nowadays. The death of SC/MB, SATA, PLD and ranged attack are some examples... well, ppl still SC, but only do it with 5k empyrean WS or self SC. And enmity mechanic + ranged attack are certainly something needs to be rework on.

Funny thing is there are always THF defenders who jump out whenever I pointed out the problems of THF. Using old excuses such as "because your THF sucked" "Because all the THFs you pt with sucked". Just like how Conn /raged when I pointed out that RDM can be played fine without a melee set, and the first comment he made to defend for melee RDM isn't showing the real practical use of RDM meleeing, but instead he flamed my RDM melee set sucked without a swift belt(which I NPCed long time ago and not planning to get another).

So basically if you don't have the job well geared, you're not allowed to talk about the impractical side of the job in this game, lol. So before I pointed out RDM meleeing isn't practical, I need to do an almace or excalibur first, and before I pointed out how THF is only a TH whore job I need to have capped gear on THF first before I can talk, lol.

2 years of playing this game, I've yet to seen anyone did anything game changing and gives new value of a job by having good gears or skill. Most of the good gears never makes a omgwtf difference and change things. But job defenders always, always like to use gear as an excuse. FFXI is such a game that only ppl with good gears can talk loud, ppl without good gear has no right to talk ._. Ppl only respect players with good gears in this game, and look down on players without good gear in every way, probably the main reason why I have such a love/hate relationship with this game.

Out of 4 completed maat cap jobs so far, I still like SAM the most XD.

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