Sunday, 3 July 2011

Leeching business

So I decided to leech THF up to 75 next, so I can equip TH4 hands and TH whore.....err....I mean to help my friends or LS by doing TH service >;O

While I was in abyssea EXP pt leeching, one person had rude attitude towards leechers in EXP pt after the pt disband, because he thinks leechers are not contributing and fked up the alliance.

What he didn't understand is the fundamental of Abyssea EXP pt.

At least 85% of the abyssea EXP pt are made because of leechers. Its either

1. The pt leader who started the pt and /shout in Jeuno wanted to leech his job.

2. The pt leader who started the pt and /shout in Jeuno wanted to help his friends or lsmates to leech their job.

3. The pt leader who started the pt and /shout in Jeuno wanted to sell leech spot for $$.

Making an abyssea EXP pt is very time consuming to get enough ppl with right jobs, often involves /shout in Jeuno for at least 30min~1hr, and lots of asking friend+LS member. But getting into an abyssea EXP pt is very easy as long as you're lv 75+. I see no reason to make a pt, if someone want to EXP on lv 75+ jobs he can just get into one pt easily by turning on the pt flag. If anyone is making a pt, 85% of chance is because it involves leecher(s).

Therefore, most of the Abyssea EXP pt won't even exist without leechers, Abyssea pt IS leeching business.

Also, a lot of the good DDs in EXP alliance nowadays are just there to get their friend a leech spot. I mean, most of the well geared, skill capped DDs don't even need an EXP pt. If you want to get those good DDs to help kill, invite their friend to leech their job.

1 good DD + 1 leecher> 2 gimp DD in terms of killing speed.

Also, a good Abyssea EXP pt should have pullers keep pulling mobs, and DDs killing, they shouldn't have time to key box if done right, so without leechers who's gonna key box?

Having an alliance of 15 DDs killing mobs for EXP is a waste anyways. 1~2 well geared DD can kill equally fast. And more ppl doesn't mean it's faster since there are limited amount of mob you can pull. The most efficient way to do leech pt is still BLU CW burn, which doesn't involve 15 DDs in alliance as well.

Abyssea EXP pt involves leechers, leechers are what makes Abyssea EXP pt. Abyssea EXP pt won't work like Abyssea EXP pt nowadays if there are no leechers, period.


  1. You can't even label the partys in abyssea as EXP partys anymore. They've been reduced to skill up partys. One of these days I went leeching on a Buffallo alliance and all the pink/perle DDs took a lot to kill 1 buffalo, it was very annoying.

    That's why I leech when a BLU is charged whisker burning.

    1 good BLU > alliance of gimp DDs

  2. In addition:

    BLU + THF(or whatever puller) + 4 leechers = the new exp party

  3. So people that actully fight and earn the exp are annoying but people that sit there do nothing are complaining?

  4. I hated trying to cap my automaton skills on PUP because of this.

    I just solo now.

  5. Don't worry Afa. You can be my TH whore anytime lol.



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