I've heard WF worked very well on this before, so I decided to give it a try.
If all the game content after lv 95 are like this, then this job will revive XD
Although I also have to admit, it doesn't always do 2k on this NM. Sometimes it dropped to 1k(1k still higher than most other WSs out there). Whether it's because of resist or because this NM sometimes take half dmg is unknown.
Other notes on this NM, this NM has extremly high eva, making /ra TP kinda a waste.
I admit I didnt use highest racc gears in this fight, but I still popped squid sushi, and replaced Gules leggings+1 with Praeda feet, but the result is still missing triple shot 3 times in a roll.
That makes recent new No.11 update worked extremly well, instead of sitting there TP with bullets with bad acc and waste money, may as well just wait for 100 TP with regain and QD, then keep trying to roll No.11 while waiting.
Tbh I really liked the DD/Buffing ratio atm, I used to dislike the fact that if I spend more time buffing, then dmg gonna be bad. If I spend more time DDing, then not a lot of time to do perfect rolls. Now it's easier to get both done nicely since this job no longer need to TP on the mob to get TP. The only down side is getting empyrean WS for this to work nicely is a must....there's no way slug can work effectively on this NM. Although I don't want to admit it, but I'm feeling this WS is somewhat game changing for this job, probably one of the few empyrean weapon that's very effective and game changing atm.
Another empyrean WS with decent performance against VWNM is JR(Bow empyrean WS), which can keep up, or even surpass WF depending on the mob. From what I've seen it's stronger than most other WS, often getting high number. RNG can TP out of AoE range, and do blitz zerg with high dmg WS. Enmity problem doesn't seem THAT bad, although sometimes shit still happens.
VWNM is really something SE made to revive RNG and COR maybe ._.
Sadly, out of those VWNM I've done, I only got one gear dropped. Most of the time it's shit drop even with capped proc, which can be very frustrating, especially now ppl all get used to easy and high drop rate gears from abyssea.
SE mentioned VWNM will be main focus of game content(at least that's what I think), I somewhat like this event, since it has no drama over items, and proc + blitz system is pretty fun to play with. This proc system is million times better than abyssea, and blitz system makes DD with good gear can still enjoy zerging fun and don't have to sit around being a proc whore.
However the drop rate of items are, just shit, and frustrating.
Fix how items gonna drop, and this event may become as popular as abyssea.
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