So I'm gonna post some of the epeen screenshots I've done for past 1 week.
After May update, I've heard some ppl say how powerful Atma of the Sanguine Scythe is for crit-hit WS, and how it's better than VV or GH.
So I decided to try RR/SS/A&O combo on BLU/WAR, to see how high I can go. After using many Vorpal, this is the highest Vorpal from my BLU/WAR on wyverns in Altepa.
Looks like empyrean weapon lv of dmg no? Since it's a lol sword WS.
The average is about 2k~2.5k I think, and one empy MNK in same pt was doing 3k average Victory Smite on same mob. My QC hardly break 2k on those mobs unless Efflux is up. Although it's still weaker than empyrean lv WS, certainly good enough for NM fights for a none-CDC BLU.
On weaker def mobs like surveyor, it can go even higher to 3.6k.
Then I decided to try this new atma combo on COR. With Chaos roll and Rogues roll. After doing several WS, this is the highest:
Average was about 2.6k~2.9k.
Ager was in the same pt with me, and with same buff his CDC can do up to 6.3k. So it's still behind empyrean WS. Sometimes I just hate the fact that how none-empy WS falls behind empyrean WS, to a point that gears or food or buff can never made up for it ;<
Anyways, time to try an empyrean WS, see how high it can go.
One month ago I wrote about Wildfire, and in the end I asked a question, if it's possible to break 10k with this WS without brew. I kept bugging CORs with better gear than me such as Shaydow to try to do 10k, but I got no ans. So I ended up having to try myself. And the answer is yes! Wildfire can break 10k with Ascetic's Gambir and firestorm(Huge thanks to Chymerial to firestorm me for doing this meaningless epeen SS).
Compare with 1 month ago, I didn't use agility potion this time, but my Armageddon now has 5 more AGI, I also have stat+7 ring and 3/3 abyssite of furtherance and atma of Smoldering sky now. Maybe can even break 11k with BRD songs. XD
Note that Wildfire is a magical WS, so 10k is the average WS dmg as long as the effect of Ascetic's Gambir is up. Although kinda not practical to boost WS dmg this high, since dolls will be one shotted with 7k dmg anyways XD
Well, since all the epeen SS are done in Abby, should do some none-abby ones.
Did a Nyzul run yesterday. I haven't play COR/WAR in Nyzul for ages, so I decided to give it a try. This is the highest slug I've done in Nyzul on EP bird with berserk/warcry up. I know it's a bit cheating since birds are weak against piercing. But even without piercing bonus, this WS should still able to do near 3k dmg with buffs.
Oh and by the way, Memchii finally take a break from FFXI, T-T.
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