Tuesday 17 May 2011

0.000001% of difference

A few days ago I got bored and went into abby to test some new gears(Sorry Mem I've been slacking on WOTG ;( ), mostly just trying to test my newly brought Stormsoul ring(AGI+7, INT-3, resist petrify+) for Wildfire set. In theory stat+7 ring> stat+5 ring for WS, but I was a bit curious if that INT-3 on Stormsoul ring will actually decrease macc, thus making stat+7 ring dealing less dmg than stat+5 ring. The result was rather disappointing, considering stat+7 ring is rather expensive atm.

Test1: Stormsoul ring v.s Breeze ring

I tested it in Abyssea - La Theine, with Lone wolf/Ultimate/Sea daughter atma on rams, didn't use any wizards/warlock roll so dmg remain consistent. My first few WS it seems Breeze ring actually won about 50% of time....I guess that's because of resist so I popped an Ascetic's Tonic and Stormsoul finally was doing more dmg...by 30~40.....

Paid 1M for a ring, for no more than 50 dmg increase, for a WS doing 4k~7k dmg ;<

And it doesn't even increase dmg all the time, sometimes it doesn't ;<

So much $$ for such a small increase in terms of performance!

Since I was already in abyssea and was in test mode, I decided to test even more gear for answers I can't find on forums.

Test2: Loki's Kaften(AGI+11) v.s Mirke(MAB+4 AGI+5)

According to math Mirke should win....but when I tested it Loki did more dmg all the time. Some ppl mentioned on forum that Mirke > Loki, but my test result shows Loki wins......ok I never understand Wildfire. Loki also has STP, so more TP return after WS, I guess I'll just stick with Loki for now.

Test3: AF3+2 legs(AGI+8) v.s MAB ASA pants(AGI+2 MAB+4)

Once again I never understand Wildfire, it seems MAB ASA pants>AF3+2 legs. I have no idea why AGI+11 Loki beats MAB+4 AGI+5 Mirke, but AGI+2 MAB+4 ASA pants beats AGI+8 legs.... I even tried some Wildfire dmg calculator I've found online and still can't figure out why. Why the result is different from math equation? Why /RDM still > /BLU even though math equation shows /BLU wins? Why AGI+5 ring still occasionally beats AGI+7 ring if temp item not up? Why some ppl said Loki>Mirke and some ppl said Mirke>Loki? Why some ppl said MAB+3 belt is better than AGI+7 belt and some said AGI+7 belt>MAB+3 belt?

Ok, I guess in the end it's all about 0.000001% of difference.

This gear is better than another, another gear is better than this, and in the end the difference is all very small, to a point that lag/internet speed/afkness can easily make up the difference. And depending on the mob you fight, one gear may be better than another, but you never know.

Believe it or not, unless you're truly gimp, or unless your job has no empyrean/relic class weapon and you're comparing dmg with another player with such weapons, your dmg isn't going to be much different from someone else with better gear. Tweaking gears over and over again for that small amount of difference is probably only ppl who got bored to the hell(like me?) would do, lol.


  1. That's why I don't bother.
    I'd bother though if I got an ultimate weapon (relic, or a an empyrean in my case).

  2. If I don't bother then I will have nothing to work on(except mythic) if I log in after WoTG done ;<

    Besides mythic and WoTG, I only need one piece from Abyssea(Zelus tiara, or it can be replaced with Voidwatch NM head body set)/Salvage(Skadi legs)/dyna(AF2 belt)/sky(tatter for w hands augment)/sea(Novio) to have capped endgame gear for my COR. Rest are just AH items or sea organ farm for more inventory -1.

    When you only have 6~7 gears to work on in this game and finished most of the missions, I guess caring about that 0.000001% of difference is the only thing I can do atm.

    Maybe I'll go make something like PDT- gun, for capped PDT- set with a terra staff? lol


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