Yes I know that NIN/DNC(or maybe DNC/NIN) can solo it and probably do it more efficiently, and I know that soloing Carabosse is probably not practical nowadays with 1338 pt waiting to pop it after merge and it’s most likely that they’ll bitch about soloers taking too long to kill anyways. It’s also very easy to get help with Carabosse now with +2s dropping. So if anyone want to try this better try when no one is around to avoid Carabosse drama XD.
First of all, getting CDC is almost necessary for this NM, since Cara gets PDT- after it 2hr and BLU kills very slow without CDC. Also, w legs for movement speed+ and merit abyssite 6/6 are also necessary.
The strategy is to eva tank it like a ninja, kite it with movement speed+ when got muted(it was Zeig's idea to kite Cara when muted to avoid dangerous situation since we often do Cara without a healer XD), and gear swap to MDT- set if stunned+ all shadows/buffs dispelled to avoid one shot kill.
Also, rely on Utsusemi for shadows, don’t rely on Occultation…I did it once to save $$ and TornadoII went right through blink - -
BLU can have decent evasion against Cara with GH atma + an evasion set+ evasion bonus job trait, plus Feather barrier and Auroral drape spell. Carabosse has weak acc anyways.
One example of full evasion set:

Almace/eva shamshir+2//goblin cracker
Optical hat/evasion torque/ethereal earring/novia earring
Aurore doublet/ Denali Wristbands/Heed ring/Alert ring
Boxer’s mantle/Sveltesse Gouriz/Ocelot trousers/Magus Charuqs
Aurore doublet can be replaced with even higher eva body piece, but it also has good melee stat so I just listed Aurore doublet.
I only have Aurore body, Denali hands, Ocelot pants and AF1 feet when I eva tank it and it still worked just fine(at least my shadows are always up), so full evasion set is probably not necessary and use some TP gear should be ok if spells are up. Zeig often complained that BLU needs to cast spell very often when eva tanking while THF only need to cast shadows every 1 min, I’m pretty confident that with this set you only need to cast shadows every one min or more unless shadows dispelled XD You probably don’t even need feather barrier or Auroral drape for Carabosse if you decide to solo in full eva set instead of TP set.
One danger to solo Carabosse is the BLM mode, when it changed to BLM mode with stun effect, if all buffs + shadows dispelled one AeroV or AMII can one shot ppl. So a MDT- set is needed to avoid such situations.
Gear swap to MDT- set if shadows are down + mute or stunned with AeroV or AMII coming.

Chontic staff/Vallus grip//Demonry stone
Coral visor+1/Twilight torque/coral earring/coral earring
Coral scalemail+1/Denali Wristbands/Minerva’s ring/Shadow ring
Colossus’s mantle/Resolute belt/Coral cuisses+1/Ataractic Solea
This set can reach MDT-50% without any shell, plus some magic def bonus and some chance to take no dmg from magic attack. Although some stuff here are extremely rare or hard to obtain. Some +1 Coral gears hardly on AH and that staff was newly added in May update.
AeroV dmg is about 2.3k without shell and MDT- gear, AMII about 3k. With this set you should take only 1~1.5k dmg. Even without full MDT -50% set it is still possible to survive with enough merit abyssite.
Rest is all about TP+spamming WS, and kite the Carabosse around the lake with movement speed+ if got muted and all buffs dispelled, just to be safe. In theory it’s certainly doable, I just don’t have the time to gear up my BLU to try it out……I wanted to focus on BLU a bit more, but my play time just doesn’t allow me to do hardcore gear grind for any other job. I’ve been thinking about getting CDC for my BLU, but both WoE version and Empyrean weapon are extremely hard with 9000 ppl lotting coins of glory and 99999 ppl camping Guk(And I doubt adding Guk in gold chest is gonna make sobek any easier as well)…..I still think trying WoE and competing with other ppl for coins of glory is my best bet…since there’s no way I can devote my time to another abyssea/empyrean weapon group anymore ;(
Hey friend :)
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halp! D:
I don't think you can link images in comment, so......
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you could still copy the URL to your browser DX