me and Tavera finally made a pt of 18 ppl, for Gulool Ja Ja title, the last beastmen title I need for Project DP. This is my first time trying to organize a large pt for an none-abby EXP event by myself, so it's a nice learning experience.
Note that I /shouted in Jeuno for a little bit, and only get the response "People still killing this NM?". Also when I asked ppl to help, after I explained that this title is for mythic, most of the reply I've got is "lol". I guess under the power of Abyssea and Empyrean, Mythic no longer has value in many ppl's mind :/
Anyways, there are ppl willing to help still. So there we go!
Reaching the NM area is actually easier than I expected. Maybe because our lv is higher now. Although death, aggroing still happened.

We all looked the same
Bebetaro knows this place extremly well, so I'm glad that we have someone that knows the way. XD
My setup was one tank pt, 4 kiters for adds and a DD pt including SMN and SAM who only run in for WS. In the end the DNC in kiter pt ended up able to kite 4 adds at once, I was one of the kiter, and ended up doing dmg instead since DNC can easily hold all adds. I guess lv90 power just pwn too much. I remember his AoE was a pain when I fought it at 75, and takes very long time to kill. At 90 his AoE isn't that bad, but still takes pretty long time to kill :x
When NM almost died it became slightly more annoying, a couple of death occured when it used Mijin Gakure. But overall it's much easier than it used to be(of course - -) I believe a pt of 6~8 ppl can clear if done right.
Anyways, a few more steps away until first quest done! Thanks to everyone that helped!
Now I need to sleep with Tavera to keep my promise DX
As you can see from SS, my Blue mage is pretty lol in terms of gear.
I talked to Tavera yesterday, and we had a discussion about why my gear always gimp compare with others XD
Tavera told me I wasted too much time grinding Empyrean and Mythic, when everyone else worked on more
useful gears such as AF3+1/+2. I guess he is right, time to work on my BLU a bit more, I've been neglecting it for a very long time already.
Grats :)
ReplyDeleteI think a Mythic would be awesome. The BLM club is looking better and better...
Club? Of course I meant staff...