WAR: Looks useful in various drama situations, or competing against other pt for ???....wait, I won't be GMed if I use this no?
MNK: Kinda boring to watch, but it does have MNK feel.
WHM: Pretty funny and certainly fits WHM.
BLM: Easily the coolest looking emote. BLM has best looking AF3 and coolest looking emote, they're the big winner in Dec. update!
RDM: Nice emote to use before/after their flower attack WS.
THF: This emote is so ninja!
PLD: What the hell is this - -
DRK: Feels more like a magician/vampire. Since DRK has blood weapon I guess Vampire style is ok.
BST: Must...level.....BST...to 30......Must.....get.....bunny.....ears......Sadly BST AF3 is not as cute as AF1&2, or else it'd fit the bunny ears even more.
BRD: Typical BRD.
RNG: Nature huh? Compare with other jobs doesn't really give strong impression.
SAM: Pretty funny. That SAM emote acutally has historical background and being used in many Japanese media including game/media/anime/T-shirt etc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C5%ABrinkazan
NIN: Again, another funny ninja reference. Ninja was associate with frogs in Japanese folktale Jiraiya GÅketsu Monogatari(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiraiya) and many Japanese pop culture including manga/anime/games also used them, the most popular one now is probably Naruto. Guess SE is going Naruto/Far east of Eden's way lol.

SMN: Reminds me of old FF7 Chocobo summon, just smaller. Still cute though.
BLU: Although it's pretty cute and funny, it totally lacks Immortal feel again.....Sometimes I wonder if the FFXI dev team now is different from ToAU era. BLU is supposed to be dark and soulless beast of Aht Urgan, white color scheme AF3 and funny job emote just isn't right :/
COR: New /random feature!?
PUP: See BLU. SE is totally making PUP more and more clown like....Puppetmaster is street performer right, but they perform with their puppet, which is different from clown......
DNC: DNC AF3 body is a bit disappointed on female character...at least better than AF1&2. Other wise I like DNC emote a lot. New /cheer emote!
SCH: Ok now we see SCH AF3 on female char also, SE must did that on purpose! I see another useful emote to have.
According to SE, those job emotes can be used on any job after quests done, some of them are pretty useful to have when interacting with other players. So besides more seal farm now there's more quests to keep ppl busy!
SE has already noted that the old XI dev team, for the most part, went over to XIV. So, yes, this is a new batch of developers overall.