Tuesday 16 November 2010

Mog Bonanza 2011

Hmmm ok, SE just released the info about Mog Bonanza for next year. This time they added Empyrean weapons and relic accessories as a prize. So which item would I choose if I win one? Hmmmm daydream time!

I already decided, if I win a rank 1 item, it's either gil or Empyrean gun for me. If I already finish stage 1 Empyrean by Feb 3, which is the winning number announce day, then I'd take gil to fund my mythic. If I'm still far from finishing stage 1 Empyrean, then I'd choose Armageddon to save time to farm gems and 50 lanterns.

Since I don't have an endgame LS supporting my gem farm, finishing Armageddon is a painful process of bugging and draging friends everyday to kill Carabosse for me ._.

Stealthkiller, who already spent lots of time farming Carabosse pop and killing Carabosse with me asked how many more gems I need to finish my trial yesterday. And I replied 43, and need another 50 item after all the gems. I think he almost faint when he heard the number ._.

Not to mention getting 50 lantern sucked, although killing big fish isn't too hard, one of the pop item required to pop it is an overcamped time spawn NM, which is just lame. Not to mention all the process of bugging and dragging ppl to kill it 30+ times again ._.

Although choosing Armageddon sounds like I wasted all the previous NM camping and gem farming time if I win rank1, but it certainly makes me and my friend's life whole lot easier. Not a bad choice.

Yes, I know getting Armageddon is actually easier than some other Rank1 items for me, some items on rank1 list is just impossible for me to obtain, at least I can finish Armageddon if I bug friends everyday. But save everyone's time>all.

Other rank1 items I'm interested includes Novio earring, Ninurta's Sash and Defending ring. Novio earring's market price is now 5M~6.5M, if rank1 gil is more than 5M then getting Novio is a waste. Ninurta's sash is god like in 75 era, now with Goading belt and Bullwhip belt, it's no longer god like. And god knows whether SE is going to make another 8% haste, 9% haste or 10% haste belt at lv99. So better don't take risk on Nin sash. Defending ring is one of the "oh damn there is no fking way to get this" item for me, I'd take it if I'm a career PLD, but I'm not. So I get limited benefit from this item.

If I win a rank2, it's most likely I'd pick a Loki's Kaftan or Velocious Belt. I need a decent ranged attack piece atm, unless COR AF3 body is something even better, This is very good for /ra spam. Vbelt is also very nice, so it's really hard to decide which one. Have to wait until next update for new items and see. Another item I'm interested is COR relic accessory. Now this piece can be replaced with Impulse belt for /ra spam, and Crudelis belt for WS. Unless you want to use Impulse belt before /ra, and macro in Commodore belt before bullets fire, it's not a must have piece besides getting 6/6 AF2.

Rank3....I don't have anything I really want from rank3 ._. Maybe Gnadbhod's Helm for BLU physical magic, or White Tathlum for money._.

Rank4: PCA all the way.

Rank5: Hmmm kinda want A.Angel HM Statue, or Alexander statue. I'm a Taru lover so maybe I should pick A.Angel TT Statue? But for some reason I like hume Ark angel more than Taru ._.

Ok, time to stop dreaming. I've never even win a rank4 or higher, so most likely it's gonna be dreams only. If I ever have enough luck to win something big, I'd rather win real lottery and get real money XD

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