I changed a couple of macros, added a couple of gear set, and now I'm finally comfortable with my BLU's macro set again, used to be so hard to use due to 1338 different gear sets for each spells.
Basic TP set:

Isador/STR Shamshir+2//Smart Grenade
Zelus Tiara/Fortitude Torque/Brutal/Suppa
Loki's Kaftan/Dusk gloves/Eponas/Rajas
Atheling/Twilight/Mavi+2/Dusk feet+1
Situational swap including AF3 head+body for acc, or relic body for refresh.
I don't have BLU AF3+2 body yet, once I finish I can TP in 25% haste and 4 tick refresh without refresh spell by using Zelus+ body+2/refresh hands/auto-refresh JT, which can be pretty useful.
Oh and btw, picture lied XD. I put Smart Grenade in ammo slot, but I don't TP in Smart Grenade due to macro line limit XDDD
Physical spells:

Isador/STR shamshir+2//Mavi Tathlum
Anwig Salade/Fortitude torque/Hollow earring/Loq earring
Magus Jubbah +1/Alky Bracelets/Spiral ring/Strigoi ring
Potentia cape/War wolf belt/Mavi Tayt+2/Areion's Gamashes
This set is mostly for QC, if I'm casting DEX mod spells such as Gob rush, then change Spiral ring to Rajas. I decided to ditch C.chain and lol Custom F gloves(lol lv 90 using lv 30 gear) in casting set due to inventory space and macro lines, so any gear that only makes 0.001 of difference I just ditch it. It makes my casting set much easier and cleaner to use, I'm so happy that I finally don't have to press macros million times for certain spells.
I don't like my earrings in casting set, but I have no $$ atm, so I'll just stay gimp bah!
For B.typhoon, I have another set full of AGI if I cast this spell when CA active.

MND build/Cure:

Teal Chapeau/Faith torque/Loq earring
Teal Saio/Mavi hands+2/Omega ring/Solemn ring/
Rainbow cape/Penitent's rope/Jet Seraweels/Morrigan feet
I added a couple of enmity - item for this set, hopefully less hate problem when I play BLU/WHM. I know I should complete serpentes set for cure potency+5, but I hate VNM ;<
Again, no $$ for a better cape ;<
BLU-Occulatation/A.bust/other buffs... w/e XD

I tested a bit, this set can push Occultation down to 48 sec recast with haste and still has 8 shadows. Then I realized this set also works for Actinic burst if I change body to AF3 and add some macc rings. Then I realized again, that this set is also good for other buff spells XD Although for Diamondhide it needs way more blue magic skill gear than this, but I hardly ever use Diamondhide anyways(although I do use Occultation a hell lot, to a point that I made a gear set just for it). I'm not THAT hardcore to carry THAT many gears for BLU just to play it perfectly XDDDD
Charged Whisker:

Jupiter's staff///Mavi Tathlum
Teal head/Uggy pendant/Moldy/Hecates
Teal body/AF3+2 hands/Spiral ring/Omega ring
Potentia cape/Petitent rope/Teal legs/AF3+2 feet
Change P.rope to Warwolf, Omega to Rajas and Teal legs to AF3+2 legs when BA active. I don't have a whole lot of DEX gears, so I'm gonna just stay same set most of the time, again, inventory. ;<
My Regurgitation is basically the same set, except I changed staff to Neptune's staff.
Evasion tank:

Isador/Genbu's shield(or another sword for more dmg)//Smart Grenade
Mavi head+2/twilight torque/Brutal/Loq earring
Aurore doublet/Denali Wristbands/Eponas/Stormsoul ring
Cheviot cape/twilight belt/Ocelot belt/Magus feet
A set with a bunch of TP gear/PDT- and eva gear....I know it's kinda weird to put everything together like this, but it worked fine, lol.
Cannonball set:

STR shamshir+2/Acheron shield//Bibiki seashell
Mirage head/Fortitude torque/Pagondas earring/Loq earring
Magus Jubbah +1/Alky/Spiral ring/Strigoi ring
Potentia/Warwolf/Mavi legs+2/Areion's Gamashes
I haven't use Cannonball set for ages, but I guess it's good if I ever want to do VWNM on BLU.
Oh and after doing some research, I noticed BLU can reach 7 tick idle refresh by using refresh hairpin/refresh legs/WoTG earring/serpentes set/AF3+2 body and auto refresh. Time to get some farming going DX
Also I tried to learn a bit more spells to complete my spell list, 2 more spells until BLU spell list done!
I also wanted to redo my merit for BLU, do CA recast 5/5 instead of Macc 5/5. At this point of the game CA recast will help my BLU more than Macc merit, but if we all move out of Abyssea after lv 95 and no more cruor buffs, then Macc may be needed again. I'm still unsure. CA recast will help a BLU almost all the time while Macc merit only helps in new content outside of Abyssea, in such situation I usually play COR anyways.
Well, let me get capped merit first then decide bah.
Also, I've been rethinking about /ra TP set for COR. I mentioned in previous post about Skadi pants in /ra set, which has 1 STP lower than AF3+2 legs but 4 rattk higher. In theory 4 rattk is better if that 1 STP isn't needed to reach x-hit. But after doing some KCNM, facing mobs with high eva+ PD and hard to get TP with physical attack, my 95% of dmg all came from Wildfire spam. 1 STP may ended up better if I'm relying on regain to get TP a lot, just stack as much STP as possible for /ra and QD, may work better than gearing for rattk, which has really, really lol /ra DPS nowadays(thanks to lame delay of the gun, no deadly aim JT and lv 70 steel bullets) no matter how much rattk is geared ;<
Been lazy to post here, even though I read this a while ago lol.
After obtaining a few bits of gear here & there for different sets, I started to have inventory problems..
I have a few comments/questions:
-TP set: what are the "Refresh hands" that you referred to? (and the "Refresh legs" while you're at it).
-Physical: Why not use a Spike necklace? (lv 21 lol).
I'm just stacking STR as of now. Inv. troubles. Got Triumph earring x2 etc. Will probably work on a BT AGI set once I feel like it. Not sure if the AGI gear you have mostly comes from COR.
-Magic: doesn't Ugg. pendant only work under 50% HP? I use Artemis medal.
-Evasion: The neck piece I got from the Zelus tiara NM is quite good. Eva +9 and Subtle blow +9 (I think)..but who wants to do that NM again lol.
-MND/Cure: A light staff will do if I'm main healing. I'm satisfied with my set (nothing fancy).
-Occultation: I cast it in my full haste gear, with 397 skill. With a Mavi scarf, my set will have both max haste and 400+ skill.
-Cannonball: I'm yet to learn that..
-Merits: I was 5/5 Macc, too. Then I switched to 5/5 CA not so long after. And that was when I started having serious trouble landing 1k Needles. Glad that the update fixed that.
Lastly, Windower scripts grant you infinite macro lines, and are very less laggy than the game's macros. They improved my gear-swapping experience a lot.
1. Refresh hands= Serpentes cuffs. Serpentes set has refresh during certain period of time. Therefore at night: Zelus Tiara+AF3+2 body+twilight belt+AF3+2 legs+haste 3% feet+ serpentes cuffs=25% haste and 7 tick refresh during TP phrase. At day just use haste 3% or 4% hands+ Serpentes feet. I guess using refresh legs works, but that's only if you have dusk hands +1 to reach 25% haste. The idea is to TP in Zelus+AF3+2 body so you can get refresh on other slots that's supposed to have refresh. Pretty good outside of abyssea IMO.
ReplyDelete2. Fortitude has VIT, so I guess it's ok(just not the best) for QC. I'd use an Ire torque+1 if I have $$, but I don't ._. I ended up using same thing for other spells too to save inventory space...torque has acc on it so it's not completely useless.
3. Yeah, so it's not always active. Again, no $$ for INT stuff, so I just reuse other stuff I already have. Faith torque has MND, so it's good for MND based nukes anyways. For CW it can be replaced with DEX gears, so you can use your spike necklace lah.
4. I don't want to do that NM again as well, fk it....
5. I think toss some enmity- in curing set will reduce the problem of BLU cures draws too much hate. That's why I updated it a bit, with some gears with both MND and enmity -
6. I think the blue magic recast time- 12% on AF3+2 hands is better than haste hands for recast. In fact, very good for all magic that needs to be recast ASAP. If I switch the body to AF3+2, I can have capped haste and recast delay- 12%
7. I don't use 3rd party tool, you know me XDDDD
Tbh, my BLU inventory problem is never as bad as my COR(if you ever check my COR item set on FFXIAH.com, you'll probably be amazed at how many gear I used on one job that can be played naked), even though BLU is a job that supposed to need more inventory than COR......it shows how I don't care about BLU XD.