At first I was just leeching WHM to 75 mostly for curor and to have the job for duoing Abyssea NMs. Pretty soon I realized I do not like to play WHM at all, and I no longer need a WHM job for abyssea since I got most of the gears I want and all AF3+2 in Abyssea(besides a few gears in scars/visions zone which doesn't need WHM at all) But I don't want to just spend the time to lv the job to 75 for nothing. So I decided I may as well just leech all maat cap jobs to 75 so at least I can get maat cap out of it(And Cruors too =D) , or maybe just to play with those jobs for a bit in lv 75 content with cheap AH gears so I get a feeling of how to play those jobs.
Anyways, after 1.5 years of getting my second job COR to 75, finally I got a third job 75+.
WHM 75!
So after WHM done I played with it for a bit in Dyna-xarc, then decided it's not the job for me so I sealed it for now until I decide to farm a testi for Maat fight in the future.
Then the next job to leech up is RDM.
*After 4 hours of semi-afking*
RDM ding 75!
Man, lv 75 comes way too fast these days that it doesn't really mean anything anymore(not to mention it's done in semi-afking)....I mean, that "Afania attains lv 75" msg used to mean so much to me. I still remember the day my BLU ding 75 after months of playing and none-stop grinding, now getting lv 75 comes in hours of semi-afking, lol.
I'd say RDM is much more fun to play with than WHM. I even made 3 item set for it =)
Note that I only leeched those jobs to 75 for fun/lulz but not for events, so I won't bother with spending time/gil on serious gearing those jobs(no more inventory space for other jobs too), I'd rather just use what I have for now.
Yigit and Morri and other MND pieces are what I used for BLU, Goliard just falls into my inventory when we did Nyzul 100. Rest are really just BLU stuff.
RDM Nuke
Again, mostly BLU stuff except Yigit Turban, which is something I got with AP after spamming assaults with static for mythic. Ether ring came from my COR MP build.
RDM Melee
Now comes in the most important part for playing RDM......MELEE RDM!
I've been wanting to play melee RDM for ages, before I started FFXI, I just ended up playing as BLU because melee RDM are not accepted in FFXI. Since I'm only lving RDM for fun/lulz but not gonna take it to lv 90 for serious events, I guess I can play RDM meleeing for fun =D
Again, most of the stuff are what I'm using on BLU and joytoy is what I use on COR. I NPCed my swift after I got twilight so it has to stick with an acc belt ;<
Kinda want to buy a Blau Dolch for my melee RDM and DD in Abby with Evi spam for fun, see how good it can be. But Blau Dolch still cost 90k >.> Too expensive for a playing for fun job >.>
Or maybe I should /WAR on RDM and do Sanguine blade spam with Sanguine blade atma in abby, or else I don't have any WS on RDM that's good enough XDDD
My next close to lv 75 maat cap job is probably SAM, currently lv 55. But this job needs a bit more work if I want to play SAM 75 with 25% haste(been wanting to play SAM with 25% haste at 75 for ages)
My SAM lv 75 goal
This gear set for SAM 75 used to be pretty pimp XD, and most of the stuff in this set I already have, others are not hard to obtain at all...although I do kinda regret I passed several tiger pants on SAM when I did white tiger NM in sky ._.
Anyways, kinda funny to play those jobs for fun without serious gearing, less pressure to play them too. XD
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