Anyways, so I'd like to recommend another game from Sid Meier. It's much more fun, one of my all time favorite game that's not JRPG and SW:KOTOR. Since the name of this blog is called "Life of a pirate", you can probably guess the title.....

As you can see, I like pirate theme, so inevitabley I'll recommend pirate theme games during server shut down ._.
This game has many versions, the oldest one released in 1987 and there were other versions on other platforms including NES, Apple II and Atari. The one I played is PC version remake on 2004. It's a very open ended game, you play as a pirate and you can capture other ships, dual other ppl, attack towns, dance with various women, look for big treasure, look for your archenemy etc. After your life of pirate ended you're evaluated depending on your achievement. Just like other Civ games, it has some kind of magic to made me keep playing, on the same time doesn't have have to devote all my time into it and able to quit any time I want, unlike other RPGs. Although after hrs and hrs playing, this game inevitable gets repetitive.
There are also PSP version and XBOX version. I never play them so I'm not sure if they're good or not, but I believe XBOX/PSP version is mostly the same thing. Either way this is a fun little game to play with certainly a classic.
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