First of all:
I haven't use /blist function for over 1 year, and as you can see, my blacklist is quite empty since I rarely /blist ppl(you have to be a REAL asshole to be annoyed by me and consider /blist), but now my RMT friend has a new playmate! :D
Then of course, wedding ring /toss.
We exchanged ring a month ago when I decide not to do anymore event with him, but kept the ring regardless for good memory. But now I realized I need to cut off all the connection, everything, including the name Tavera so I don't see it, or else same drama BS will happen again and again.
And of course CaelusII pearl /toss too, I'm mostly in Cynosure now and hate to took off my Cynosure pearl anyways. Feel sorry for ppl in Caelus as they have nothing to do with this.
Yay that's inventory +2! :D
And most important of all, a more clear state of mind :) No more drama no BS :D :D
Everytime when he went emo or insult me, I just take it because I don't want to lose a friend, then eventually next day he'll apologize and offered help on more items. Then the same BS will happen again, with more and more insult. And whenever I complain about his attitude and insult, I ended up being accused of "you're not cool with me but you still do stuff with me, so you just want items, how convenient". So I can't complain about his attitude/insult because I'm getting help and items all the time, this is just nothing but torture. I tried to do my own events without him, and eventually he'll bug me with /tell that he wants to do stuff with me, I tried to do stuff that benefits both of us, such as inviting him for Brulo run for his atma and my earring, then it ended up giving him more reason to insult me just because he thinks I'm taking the benefit. I let this BS happen over and over again just because I want to give more chance, then eventually he got more and more arrogant and ended up believing that I will go back to him always, because I need him to get items.
Pretty funny to see that when ppl went mad/emo, they always tell the truth about what they think in their mind. And when they try to please someone, it's all lie.
So in his mind, I'm a bad player because I don't have 1000 friends and LS to help my NM while he can kill every NM in abyssea fast and easy. I'm a fail player because my job is useless COR, unlike his WHM. In his mind my AF3 static is a fail(even though I still finished 5/5+2) because he can grind +2 gear much faster without me. In his mind I'm just a shitty player that needs his help to get shit done, and he can get his shit done 10 times faster, so he is a better player and has all the right to got arrogant and insult. And even worse, I was actually dumb enough to allow that to happen. When I told him I'm leaving him, he just told me to beg in Jeuno for help without him, how arrogant. Some ppl really like to speak so high of themselves over pixel items. And pretty funny that I'll never get him to speak the truth unless I made him mad :D
So fking glad that this is all over now, since I no longer have to act the way he wants to please him and his friends.Torturing myself for some pixel items are just not worth it. For those who(Especially Tavera) thinks they're superior because they can grind items fast and easy with 1000 friends, congrats for bigger epeen. But I'm not going to torture myself to please you and your friends. You win with pimper gears, but you can't win respect. I have way more fun doing Nyzul climb with my static, grinding AF3 with my static, and doing WoTG with my LS, even though it's done slowly, at least it's fun and I don't have to face insult.
Inventory+2 is pure win too. Sometimes the hard decision just has to be made.
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