Looks like new best TP piece for COR ranged attack, unless you prefer a Zha'Go's Barbut.
My MKE head is still better for WS, but for ranged attack TP, this wins. Super high racc and rapid shot just pwns.
Now, pirates have 3 pirate hats to use, AF1(+1) for Quck Draw, AF2(+1) for Phantom Roll, and AF3+2 for Shooting, hurray!
Long time ago my friend Agerknux was complaining about my char "doesn't look like COR", now this looks like a new piece to wear most of the time when I shoot stuff and make my char look like a COR more.
I also noticed the set gives Quick Draw augment. Maybe in the future CORs do QD in full set, and no need AF1(+1) hat?

Another "ahhh" piece for shooting.
I mentioned I want to work on a lower hit build for ranged attack set, and need a Skadi pants.
And now SE answered my call. Pants with STP+8 and Snapshot! 8 AGI is just a bouns. Now I can safely remove Skadi pants from my wishlist.

A piece for Quick Draw....err...a piece that pwns all the previous feet options for Quick Draw.
After the lv 80 update RNG gets access to quick draw by subbing COR, plus they have access to higher base dmg guns and bullets. So I was a bit worried about RNG subbing COR actually beats COR as main job for QD dmg, which is as ridiculous as WAR/BLM outnuking BLM main job. I hope COR gets more COR only gears to increase QD effect, so other jobs subbing COR won't beat COR for QD dmg, resulting job balancing problems.
Navarch's Mantle
[Back] All Races
DEF: 9 Ranged Accuracy +7 Magic Accuracy +7 Enhances "Snapshot" effect
Lv. 84 COR
WOW another Snapshot piece!
SE seems to realized that COR's greatest problem for shooting is that alfg9uq94ut@#$%;lk long delay, now giving CORs so many gears to make pirates shoot faster!
I admit I kinda hate shooting stuff and love to melee TP more, or else I'd lv RNG. Put all the costs aside, shooting in EXP/Abyssea EXP pt is kinda lame, I can hardly land any bullets on mobs before they die(assuming DDs in the pt are well geared and killed the mob fast enough). Melee TP gain is way faster with all the haste gear/song/magic. I mostly only shoot stuff on higher lv NM fights to avoid AoE and feeding too much TP. Now with so many gears to enhance the speed of shooting, new True shot JA and new snapshot rolls, bullet spamming CORs may beat melee TP CORs when DDing, unless SE release more powerful multi-hit melee weapons in the future. Damn, if I want to play COR the way I like in the future, using sword and gun instead of only using gun, I probably have to face a lot of "ahh you fail!" comment.
Well, for those who likes to melee for TP, this pwns the old Cobra unit harness:
Taranis's Harness Rare Ex
[Body] All Races
DEF:59 Accuracy+25 "Store TP"+5
Also a very good body piece for other jobs that can wear it if they need acc. All my Cobra unit gears confirmed dead.
I noticed AF3 has a lot of Enhances "X's roll" effect on.
As a support role job, I always believe the gear that enhances the roll effect(relic hat) is more important than DD gears, it's make or break to me. Therefore putting support stats on AF3 kinda makes me feel a little more comfortable, at least not having a relic hat(not having enough luck to obtain it to be exact) won't make me completely fail. And AF3+1 looks easier....or at least requires less luck to obtain than dyna-xarc items, hurray!
I also checked RNG AF3, appearantly it's much more powerful in DD aspect than COR AF3. COR used to be able to wear most of the good RNG gears, such as Skadi, w hands, Zha'Go's Barbut and ACP body. Just not higher base dmg bullets and osode. So some COR gets cocky, thinking they can outdmg real DDs with good gear, looked down on CORs subbing WHM, forgetting their role is always buffing ppl. Most of the DD jobs gets powerful DD AF3, and COR gets half DD half support AF3s, I think it's fair. The gap between a real DD and COR just gets bigger, time to accept the fact that DD on COR is for fun only, supporting the pt is more important.
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