Compare with my previous failga run I'm so happy I can finally pt with someone knows how to play RDM :>, I hope my RDM-phobia is gone now.

I'd have to say /WHM works pretty well in Bhaflau Remnants, Cure and erase helped a lot, and the dmg output is not much lower than /NIN. The survivability of /WHM is way higher than /RNG. Although getting SJ, magic and MP cell for /WHM to work well can be a bit annoying.
Sadly, by the time we reached last boss time is running out and we wiped at 3% and time up, failed. So close :/

Although failed, this Salvage run is still the most enjoyable one so far.
On boss floor, I kinda entered rush mode and made some's not as bad as my first run aggroing mobs and wipega, but it's something written in my own guide and I already knew about ._., in close fight like this, it may make a difference between win and fail. I guess I really need more experience in Salvage ._.;
On Sunday I joined another farm run in Silver Sea Remnants with peeps in Escaflowne, I think I'm starting to hate the drop rate in Salvage now.........
Btw, Medal of Altana ∮∮∮∮ OBTAINED! After nearly 4 months of Campaigning finally gain access to Shadow lord BC, Campaign WS Uriel blade and Glory slash!(Err, I need AN for those but oh well)
And, after nearly 4 months of campaign I finally realized I never have Sigil on, not even once......and never know Sigil gives EXP bouns ._.
Well, at least I like campaign more cuz I don't have to deal with my shitty drop rate and bad luck when casting lot(I'm pretty much always last when stuff dropped) for gears.
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