GOOD JOB SE YOU BROKE MY SEXY LOOKING MIRAGE BAZUBAND! (Yes that iron mitten looking hands are BLU relic hands, one of my favorite town gear because it looks sexy.)
Then I saw everyone on my friendlist lv 76 now.
I looked at my 0 merit and 20k tnl...../sigh
I turned my pt flag up on BLU, hoping to get an invite and 3 merits, saw a besieged going on and joined, got closer to 76.
(Haven't done besieged for ages!)
As usual, no invite.
I think I should make a pt instead, but kinda have no clue where to lv.
Everyone on my friendlist is lving in new camps it seems.
I went to jeuno and toss my Magnatus to Magian moogle and got a trial 1758 inscription on it. Hoping one day it'll turned into an Empyrean weapon....I bet whatever mob that drops the item needed is a lv 200 HNM.
Strange, the first thing I want to do now is not lv to 80, but solo swift belt instead.
With so many new content added I have no clue what to do so I just logged and go play Grandia III.
6/22(6/21NA time)
Lesson learned from yesterday, I broke my promise and seek pt on COR this time instead. 10 sec later I got 2 invites, I asked *where?* and got some familiar, and yet unfamiliar answers. Uleguerand Range, Xarcabard S….hmmm I guess it’s no longer the same old camp everyday.
Everything is the same, and yet not the same
Time to buy Abyssea add-on.
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