Saturday 5 October 2013

Titan Cockblock

After 1 month of casual playing, finally cleared story+ lv 50.

After 2 more nights of casual playing, cleared chimera/AK/hydra/Ifrit HM/Garuda HM, everything can be done in less than 5hr of work.

Now only 1 Titan away from completing the relic.

Honestly I feel this step is going to take longerrrr than all previous step combined :(

Need a good weapon to pass the DPS check D;

Don't have damn primal weapon, and shit never drop. :(

AH ilv 70 weapons are completely not worth the price tag with lower than Ifrit weapon base dmg D;

Don't have DL 5/5 to pass HP check for Titan :(

Every single philosophy speed run pt /shout ask for relic DPS D;

If I farm philosophy by using DF, it's a 2hr+ wait time with risk of wiping or getting gimp pt D;

Can't enter AK on prime time, can't get into AK /shout party due to "relic only" D;





  1. You're fine for Titan with Garuda's weapon and a mix of DL/AK gear. It'll just feel as intended, a true challenge.

    Relic-only shouts for philosophy farming (and even AK) are absurd.

    What I did was farm Ifrit's weapon to ungimp myself and have the confidence to spam AK, then farmed Garuda's once I was at Titan.

  2. Nah, not really absurd considering relic is 3 base dmg difference, which is a lot, prae run with 6 relic AoE DPS is much more efficient philosophy farm than running with lv 70 weapon or lower DPS. When you ended up having to farm thousands of philosophy, 25 min a run or 20 min a run will make a noticeable difference.


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