Saturday 21 September 2013

BRD macro for dummies

Recently I'm slowly facing an issue while playing BRD in XIV......

Not enough keys if I'm playing with a controller D;

Further more, it's hard to move around AND fire off perfect rotation. As a BRD it's pretty much a requirement to run and fire at once, but due to the design of controller, using default controller setup, it's hard to hit directional pad ability/macro while running with an analog stick.

After a bit of research about macros, I decided to start using macros to improve my DPS ability, a bit! D;

This is standard controller mode interface.

The icons marked A/B/C are my macros, everything else are just JAs.

The left side buttons are the ones on directional pad, the "hard to hit while running and dodging AoE" one. So I just put them on to check recast.

The right side of of the buttons are my key spam buttons, and they're usually more important than anything else, which requires me to key spam for best output.

Note that this does not include AoE move rotation, I think it's better to use a 2nd set for AoE spam situations.

My "A" macros are offensive buffs: Hawk's eye/Internal release/Raging strikes/barrage etc.

So it looks like this:
/ac "Internal release"
/ac "Barrage"
/ac "Hawk's eye"
/ac "Raging strikes"

Certain buff are pretty situational, such as Invigorate and  Blood for Blood, so it's better to leave them out of macro and pop it manually.

My "B" macro are offensive ability that has it's own GCD, starting from highest output one:

/ac "Misery's End"
/ac "Bloodletter"
/ac "Repelling shot"
/ac "Blunt arrow"

Can probably fit in Flame arrow after blunt....maybe.

Ignore my "C" macro, it's just /ac "Mantra" /ac "Second wind" , which I use for solo. You may use it in dungeon too though. I found second wind extremely weak and may not worth a slot for group play :<

The thing about GCD skill and none GCD skill+ buff is, you should always use none GCD skill while waiting for GCD recharge. So you don't waste time and able to click as many offensive skill as possible.

Currently I use this rotation:

Straight shot and put buff up(GCD)
Bloodletter while waiting for GCD
Venom bite/windbite (GCD)
Heavy shot(GCD)

Repeat heavy until I need to straight shot again.
Use none GCD skill such as Bloodletter/Repelling/Misery/Blunt if I'm waiting for GCD recharge.

Between each GCD skill, I spam "A" and "B" macros to use none GCD skill and DD buff, unless I need to save DD buff for w/e reason.

As long as I click macro "B", it'd automatically use strongest none GCD move, and use next move if strongest move on cool down. So all I ever need to do is spam macro "B" if my GCD abilities are on cool down.

Same applies to "A", as long as I click it, it'd just pop w/e buff available so I don't ended up DD unbuffed. Obviously there may be situations you may need to save buff, can always switch to manual if that happened.

I've seen ppl use /wait on forums, which imo, not very good idea. The way /wait is designed, you won't be able to fire off rotation on time, it's much faster to key spam manually.

I also seen ppl use /ac "Misery's End" /ac "Bloodletter" /ac "Heavy shot". However, Heavy shot comes after Venom bite/wind bite. That means if for w/e reason you need to use none GCD move between DoT moves, plus you won't be able to put repelling/blunt because they're weaker than heavy, and you may ended up accidentally popped heavy shot when trying to do DoT moves. Personally I don't find it as convenient as just put every none GCD move in one macro and key spam them between GCDs.

I put all the key spam moves on none directional pad slot, so I can key spam them while running around :)

There may be some situations that you'd need to pop them separately and do it manual way, so just adjust the strat based on situations.

BRD, easiest DPS job in FFXIV, 2 macro key spam saves the day, hurray :D

Edit: At this point of time I'm not sure whether an out of range repelling shot would block next ability or not, if not, and you're in a situation that you can't run close to the target at all to pop repelling, it's probably better to put blunt before repelling.

1 comment:

  1. Forgot to add I use Straight shot again if the crit-hit bonus is up after heavy. And macro would automatically execute Blunt arrow if Repelling shot is out of range.


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