Although my title says "tests", it's actually not really professional WS tests(not BG forum lv of tests), with too many uncontrollable factors. So I'll try my best.
Gimp warning: All my WS sets are mediocre at best, don't copy them if you have this job >.>
Gear set used for test:
Wildfire set:

Vulcan't staff/rose strap/Aramgeddon/bronze bullet
Navarch's Tricorne+2/Uggalepih Pendant/Moldavite Earring/Hecate's Earring
Mirke Wardecors(MAB and QD recast- augment)/Schutzen Mittens/Breeze ring/Solemn Ring
Forban Cape/Aquiline Belt/Navarch's Culottes +2/Navarch's Bottes +2
This set is actually not legit kinda(and cheap itself without AGI+7 ring and novio), since it doesn't give enough TP return after WS. The more legit set would be Loki+ another one STP piece without regain or Loki+Ambusher's hose with regain. But gimp noob has no Loki so oh well.
Slug shot set1:

Vulcan't staff/rose strap/Armageddon/steel bullet
Anwig Salade(Racc+10 rattk+5 STR+4 WS acc+15 augment)/Arctier's torque/Volley earring/hollow earring
Navarch's frac+2/Crimson finger gauntlets/Rajas ring/Spiral ring
Terebellum mantle/Crudelis belt/Navarch's Culottes+2/Corsair's bottes +1
Gimp noob has no gorget~~ Again, when I tested it my set has not enough TP return after WS and I kinda just focus on higher dmg instead of keeping X-hit. I usually use Gules leggings+1 and another STR earring for Slug if I want enough TP return.
Slug shot set2:
Mostly same thing as above, but use Navarch's Tricorne +2 and Navarch's Bottes+2 instead. Also replaced Spiral with another AGI+5 ring. It's for mobs that's too weak and fSTR capped.
In Abyssea:
1. WF completely change how this job worked. I no longer melee and only fulltime vulcan't staff now and fire off 5k~6k WS every few sec. This job is now on par with real DDs with WF if the mob doesn't resist fire/magic dmg. Ranged attack is no longer important since it's DoT is way behind melee attacks, the only purpose of /ra is to get TP with a Vulcan't staff.
2. On NM the dmg is about 2.5k~4k. Although I haven't got a chance to try it on NM with real high INT or magic/fire resist mobs....yet.
3. Regain roll + wizards is probably one of the best combo. Since Regain roll can get TP while waiting for new mobs to be pulled or getting TP without feeding NM TP. Not sure if Courser's roll or SAM roll is on par with regain roll, since both of them needs to actually shoot something to get TP, with irrelevant /ra DoT and long delay, SAM roll even has a risk of getting bad number and not getting 1 hit less.
4. /SAM 4 hit v.s /RDM 5 hit- Without MAB from /RDM and replace MAB/AGI gear for 4 hit STP gear, the dmg dropped to about 4.5k~~ So yeah, 5~6k every 5 hit or 4.5k every 4 hit...big lose XD I'd say it may actually be smarter to WS in full MAB/AGI gear with /SAM then make up the TP lose with regain for 4 hit.
5. Still trying to figure out if I should use AGI atma or regain atma. With regain roll I mostly only need to /ra 1~2 after WS to get 100 TP again. With regain atma it may be TP overflow, or the other way around.
6. Although this WS is fun to play with in Abyssea, after a while it got dull and I ended up Q.Q on allakhazam Q.Q on blog is not enough already.
Outside of Abyssea v.s slug
1.It's slightly weaker outside of abby. On too weak mobs outside of Jeuno, Slug is about 2.9k(with slug set 2), WF with /RDM and wizards is 2.6k.
2.In Nyzul: Slug with /WAR and chaos roll, the dmg is about 2k~2.3k, Vulcan's staff or not doesn't make a huge difference(Nyzul mob too weak lah). WF with wizards, /RDM and fire shot before WS(dmg+20%), dmg is 1.7k~3k(average 2.3~2.4k). I would say both WS are on same level outside of Abyssea, but WF is usually a little big stronger with Vulcan's staff on and not meleeing. It's a nice alternative WS to use depending on situation.....Slug for birds/fire resist mobs, WF for skeleton or weak against magic mobs etc.
3.For RNGs WF dmg would probably be pretty gimp without fire shot WS dmg+20% and wizards roll. Put all the easier trials aside, don't know if this weapon is worth for RNGs to get.
I'm still new to this WS and still trying to figure out how to maximize it's potential, although it seems pretty pointless to me to push the DD potential further, I mostly just do research because I have nothing to do in game. Other wise I'm now totally in a "don't know what to do in game" mode since I have really little intention to grind anymore gear for small difference. In fact both me and Tav is having trouble finding stuff to do in FFXI atm, most of the time I just log on, randomly ask LS what they're doing and tag alone without knowing what to do. And since I always have drama when I talk to Tav in game, I'd rather just talk to him on MSN.....I guess the only thing left in game for me to do is just lolmythic(which is even more pointless to do than empy) or WoTG.
WoTG then.
No, actually, find a goal irl damn it.
Interesting post! I've been looking into upping my COR's damage.
ReplyDeleteI am currently trying to build Bedlam +2, but out of curiosity, how much damage did you do with SlugShot in Abyssea?
And which Atma did you choose?
Slug shot it depends on the sub and atma. The highest I've done is 3k on bats(weak against piercing) with /WAR. Generally I'd say 1k~2k on NQ mobs if using proper atma and sub.
ReplyDeleteBut the problem of slug shot is, atma that benefits slug like VV(STR) SA(rattk and STR) GH(AGI) does not benefit melee attack that much, so I'd rather /DNC use RR/VV and spam Evi if I don't use wildfire. More dmg output overall~~