Special thanks to Tavera, Stealthkiller, Agerknux...those 3 ppl probably getting bugged by me the most. Tav even started drama many times because of it. (We both drama whore)
Other ppl who helped including a bunch of peeps in MLIA(Ager's LS) and CaelusII LS(Tav's LS), some ppl in Cynosure(The social LS I'm in), and some ppl on my friendlist that's randomly dragged by me such as Dragonxdvz, Chymerial, Bennettz, Baliise, Kingilya(plus some Kingilya's friend I don't remember name) and such...hmmm I may miss someone but forgive me, I dragged way too many ppl in the process of killing Carabosse for like 40+ times.
I have this trial flagged for sooooo long, like 7~8 months at least. I started high DMG path gun as soon as it's out, then stucked on Trial 1759 for months since I have no abyssea group and such. It's also very hard to find help because Carabosse drop sucked, and it takes a while to kill one due to annoying 2hr and high defense after 2hr. Notorious mute/stun/dispel and one shot kill AeroV also makes killing this NM a pain. It's not a omgwtf hard to kill NM, just annoying. I know there is red/blue WS proc 2hr lock zerging, but it hardly works well. At least I can solo a huge part of KI NM farming for Cara.
I hope stage 2 is easier. So far the hardest part is probably camping Heqet, if there's competition. But both KI NM drops seals and CC drops better gear and +2 items, hopefully it's easier to find ppl interested in helping at least. CC itself is easier to kill than Carabosse as well, a couple of BLM nuke/bind can take it down really fast.

After I got the laser gun the first thing is of course take a screen shot, then I went to abyssea and help BK farmed his helms for his Kannagi while playing with the lasergun. Kinda lame that most of my dmg output still came from cheap Yataghan and Evisceration spam XD. After I unlock the WS I may or may not have to redo all the current melee TP set/atma, right now it's Yataghan/joytoy(aiming to replace joy with a Mageblade or Twilight knife if possible) combo plus RR/VV and focus on melee DoT/Evi. After wildfire unlock maybe it's 3 MAB/fire atma plus Mkris and move all the dmg to WS/fire shot(haven't done math about this yet)? Ranged attack it's kinda screwed in abyssea, I tried with everything I could, enhanced courser's roll with 5 piece of snapshot gears and macro, pot+ chaos roll, the dmg of ranged attack just won't catch up to melee jobs or even myself in melee mode in abyssea. And it's certainly not my fault, Kingilya's well geared RNG also has weak dmg compare with other melee jobs. BK's RNG is not much better either.
Tav often asked me why bother to make an empy weapon for a job that's not even useful and in fact, a job that's gimp in dmg even with an empy weapon. He is supposed to be DRK main but never bother to make an empy weapon for DRK just because of the fact that he is always on WHM and DRK dmg gimp. In his mind I'm stuck on BLU no matter what because of yellow proc, and I should make an Almace instead.
While I was doing some helms farming for Ager's Almace some empy MNK came with his WHM parner, duoed Briareus with god damn awesome speed. 300 dmg crit-hit per melee round with capped haste and 3.1k Victory Smite every few sec is just epic. Everytime when I see a well geared MNK tank/DD a NM, it's always epic. Then another group came, with more DDs in the pt including an empy NIN, but killed much slower. With much lower crit-hit dmg and much lower Blade:Hi. That's how I realized even with empy weapon not all jobs are equally epic. I know my BLU or COR probably won't achieve that kind of epicness in NM fight even if I somehow complete a lv 85 empy weapon for both jobs, due to how those jobs dealing dmg. BLU with an empy weapon probably need to pretend to be a pure melee DD and stop wasting time to cast physical spells for max melee/WS dmg. And I doubt a pure melee BLU can beat a real pure melee job like MNK WAR or NIN. COR with an empy only gets full advantage from ODD by shooting, and shooting sucked in abyssea.
I asked the same question myself too, why bother to spend time on making an Armageddon and Death Penalty, when I can have greater achievement if I save the time and money to lv a stronger/more useful DD job such as WAR and MNK and make a stronger DD weapon such as Ukonvasara or Verethragna etc.
And yet I still keep going.
Ever since I start lving COR, I told everyone that it will be my main job. It's the least played job in this game and not all that useful, so I'll just try to create new value of this job, by trying the most effective way to play it in terms of buffing and dmg dealing. I often found myself know very little about this job and have a lot of questions, and unable to find right answer because most ppl don't play this job. So I ended up trying to discover new ways of playing this job and make use of it's abilities in every aspect, such as change of gears, change of play style, change of subjob and different way to buff etc. I enjoy this discovering process, slowly learning how to play a job better for different situation, and trying new stuff all the time. This kind of freedom is something I can't get from other more popular jobs, when their role is fixed and every way to play the job is being discovered. That's why my profile has the line "Currently trying to become a true pirate", I'm far from understanding/playing this job fully and I guess I'll keep going until I quit FFXI. Lv 85 Armageddon next!
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