If A pt has an NM, and B pt claimed it when it went yellow, then A pt would usually accuse B pt for "stealing" their NM. However, if A pt wiped at NM, and B pt claimed it, then A pt has no reason to accuse B pt for stealing the NM, since they're wiped anyways. It has became an etiquette that you can't claim other pt's NM unless they wipe. This kind of player etiquette does not have any problem outside of Abyssea, if A pt can't kill the NM, wait until they wipe then claim.
But now with the Atma of Apoc, zombie strategy gets popular, and sometimes it ended up A pt can't kill the NM, and just keep getting up, kite the NM, wipe, got up, claim and kite NM, wipe again, repeat. While B pt waste their time waiting for A pt to kill an NM they can't kill, and facing a difficult choice, should they wait longer, or just claim when it went yellow? With Atma of Apoc, full wipe doesn't exist, since you can always get up, therefore you can't really accuse another pt for "stealing" the NM.
A few weeks ago, when I did an Altepa run with MLIA, Ager planned to pop 3 Rani. We waited until 22:00. After 22:00 we moved to Rani pop spot and found another LS killing it, their Rani was 25% left and a NIN was brewing. So we decided to wait. Then the NIN failed to kill Rani before brew wore, so Rani started slaughtering the alliance. After 10 min they still have no intention to pop another brew to finish Rani off and just kept kiting, wiping and getting up. So someone in MLIA lost patience and claimed Rani when it went yellow. The result is lots of rude language, /blist and such.
Well, the result is that LS still got their rani back since MLIA can't kill Rani without brewing as well and no one wants to brew without blue proc. But that's after 35+ min(so blunt time bye bye) of lots of wiping/kiting/unclaim/claim/charmed for both party. Then they finally decide to brew while got claim(and used 2 brew for last 10% of NM).
So my question is, is it legit to claim another pt's NM if they take 30+ min of getting up over and over again and unable to kill the NM at all?
Yesterday when I did Dragua with my static and MLIA, same thing happened, another pt popped Dragua and takes forever to kill, since they zombie. While our pt still has a couple of Dragua left to pop. But this time the result is a bit better, Akuji seems to have a friend in their pt and offered to alliance with them and help them kill, so we can pop more Dragua after them.
Well anyways, after 7 Dragua, we finished three +2 hands and Con almost done with PLD +2 hands as well.
I also finished my +2 hands, so that's 5/5 blue box for me!
Now I just need a Navarch's earring(which is crap) to complete full AF3 gear set. Time for some tiger hunt.
Grats, but quite a change of heart in under a month eh?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I should have totally quit already, don't know why I still log on everyday.
ReplyDeleteWe've noticed that problem a lot too, especially with time pop NMs. At what point do you say watching them kill a mob with a 10 min repop time and it's now been 30+ min with their zombing is it ok to claim the NM? Very frustrating stuff.