BLU finally gets DW, refreshII and haste after the update, therefore there are many new ways to play with it. I especially like to Diffusion + battery charge, refresh my pt member and /laugh at them if they're the "refresher" job who used to refresh me. I'm also not used to telling the RDM "No need to refresh me, I can refresh myself". However, casting refresh and haste spell on myself every once a while also makes me miss the old day when someone else is taking care of my haste and refresh, now I have to do everything myself, no lazy mode, engage the enemy and afk D:
Getting DW on BLU also means I can try some other subs I usually don't use, such as /RDM, /WAR, /SAM etc. However DW job trait is such a BP eater for my meritless BLU, I may actually have to remove haste and ask the mage to haste me if I want to set DW.
In the end, I leveled BLU as my first 80 job, just like it's my first 75 long time ago. I get it to 80 mainly by joining an Abyssea EXP pt, Abyssea gives such a huge amount of EXP/hr that I not only ding 80, but also got my sword to 8/8(I merit sword mostly for COR actually D:), picked up full set of Aurore and Teal gears. Now finally have some mage gear to use. Also, after months of waiting, finally got my fast cast pants from limbus.

Sadly this pants is no longer the god like pants for BLU. It's beaten by PINK legs for TP, and Teal full set for fast cast.
After I picked up my teal set I start to practice NM solo with Regurgitation, it's actually not as easy as what video shows, with HUGE MP problem (Well before the update it's necessary to use meds, was trying to solo without meds but with /RDM convert and battery charge only) And most important of all, bind doesn't always land and doesn't last long, if bind doesn't land then bye bye in 5 sec lol. Time to merit more on blue magic skill level and work on more macc gears >.> After 1 year of playing this game I still can't play my first job like a pro, lol ><. Atm /NIN, spamming head butt and shadows with fast cast is still the easiest way for me ><.
Damn I know I should go back to COR and get it to 80 for events, and unlock Leaden salute. PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF I'M NOT 80 BY JULY 19 Q__________Q.
Ya simply too much desirable spells & traits BLU can have but too little spell points. Hehe. Well, next level cap increase will probably give us more points as well though there should be new spells as well... XD