Anyways, Nyzul Isle CLEARED! Congratulations to everyone that needs clear.

This Nyzul static pt is the best pt I’ve ever been to, with the highest success rate ever, and better than many /shout pts out there. Most important of all, no one in the static has any “special” or “hard to obtain” gear. Everything we were using is just average stuff. That proves, once again, you don’t need to spend 10000 hr of your life to obtain some rare gears to clear shit in this game. Just some average gears would do.

Special thanks to this taru. He spent his time and helped us climb all the way to F100. And also special thanks Phantasie, who once joined our pt while we were still Nyzul noobs and gave us some suggestions on climbing. And there is Sotongball and Phantasic too, who were once in the static also. THANK YOU!
Well, the uber gears are a few notches better than normal AH stuff in most cases but ya the skill factor plays a big part too. That being said, a good player with uber gears would truly be godly. Our good old Heavenly comes to mind.