I want to try COR80/RNG40 and DD more for NM fight events so I just sub RNG without asking the LS leader what to sub XD.
(P.S If I ask what to sub on COR in this game 99% of time I'd get the answer "/WHM", even if /WHM isn't really the best for that situation, so I learn to stop asking the leader and decide myself, and only ask when I can't make a decision.)

First JoL fight.
I have no idea what's JoL fight like, so I assume it's like other high level NMs that CORs have hard time landing hits, therefore I decided to eat sushi. In the end it turned out that I didn't really need racc, my WS and ranged attack didn't miss much, apparently it's capped or close to cap. JoL seems to have low eva(or maybe it's because the THF was using Feint). I could have done a lot more dmg if I use Pot-au-feu, /SAM or /WAR, Shadowbind from /RNG doesn't help this fight anyways. Sinister haven't post the parse result, so I have no idea how bad I did.(wrong sub, wrong food, d/c when HP%40 etc)
Besides that, I ranged TP with steel bullets, and WS+QD with Oberon's Bullet. JoL kept switching elemental weakness, and I don't carry all elemental cards due to limited inventory space, so that makes my dmg output more lame.
I'm still pretty noob for building a ranged TP set. Now I kinda just throw together the ranged attack gears I got from mission reward without thinking and testing XD. Prehaps it's time to work on tweaking and improving my ranged TP set, such as a set with more rattk in high racc situation(such as yesterday), or maybe work on a lower hit build. Sinister has a few pimp RNGs, maybe I can learn a thing or two from them. Then again, RNG and COR is different, COR has to deal with it's lame racc constantly. But most of the CORs I know on this server never really try hard to DD on this job, so I can only learn from RNGs XD.
I d/c when JoL @40%, by the time I got back both me and JoL were dead. And AV popped after JoL defeated, so I can finally get a chance to meet this legendary HNM in Vana'diel. With level 99 coming and new Primeval Brew, this HNM may no longer be such a godly existence in the future, so challenge it and got pwned while I can!

HelLO, nICe to MeET yOU
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