Tuesday 20 May 2014

Playing with DP

I wanted to use "Having sex with DP" as title but it's inappropriate :X

First of all, special thanks to Zeig/Relapse/Cruunch/Shockin/Vaba/Fizzle for helping me kill all that PW. 119 DP complete!

I've been doing quite a bit of /ra only event to play with it, unfortunately I failed to make DP love me enough to do good dmg with it D:

Despite DP is suppose to /ra faster with better WS frequency on paper, in practice it isn't THAT much faster, due to gimpfania gimping it up. Further more, the WS avg drop is quite noticeable. Most of the /ra event magic doesn't work very well too, so QD avg increase is minimal.

Not just the gun itself has no racc unless aftermath 2 up, but you also need to sacrifice certain slot(ear or legs) for STP when using a delay 480 gun too, making it even harder to use in VD level of event where racc is an issue. That being said, AM3+ triple shot dmg is quite satisfying. Sometimes 1 triple shot triple dmg proc can do equal dmg to RNG's 1 WS.

I recently got my /DRG up too for high jump as well, I have to say /DRG rocks!

After tons of VD event to play with my DP:

Celestial Nexus VD cleared! Took about 23 min, but we had 3 deaths(including myself). It can be sub 20 min run if BRD has 4 songs and no death. Didn't cap racc on 2nd form but it's doable with right gear I believe. Got all the items I want(knife/dagger) from this BC unless I'm going after body.

GK VD cleared too! Took about 21 min, but one RNG had no KI when we enter so we had to waste 5 min to wait for him, and no 4 songs too. 15 min GK seems doable if everything went right. I got capped racc with DP STP build in this BC at least.

SJ was intentionally cut off in the SS to hide my uncapped /DRG D:

Also did a D EV and finished 2 pieces of 119 relic in 1 day.

I'm still practicing the timing of /DRG JA, IMO the JA must be used as often as possible. At first I use it after I pull hate but then it'd end up pulling hate again before JA up, forcing me to stop DD until JA up again. At least I no longer die in AA BC with /DRG!

I've been wondering why DP doesn't parse exceptionally high. Maybe it has something to do with QD instant TP gain lower the gap between delay 600 and delay 480. Oh well, keep parsing.

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