Thursday 29 August 2013


Man, DW TP set is getting confusing recently.

But to sum up after spreading sheeting whole night:

Thurandaut+ twilight seems to be way better for BLU than haste head+ windbuffet. I have no idea why, but I'm guessing cuz triple attack job trait devalue windbuffet.

For COR/DNC, whirlpool+ windbuffet pull ahead pretty often.

DW set earring or suppa/brutal? I'd go with DW set earring for COR/DNC DW daggers, again, no idea why sometimes set earring pull ahead sometimes not. And it's irrelevant to march tier/samba on COR.

Ass hard to cap acc on COR/DNC on delve boss. But much, much easier on BLU.

Acc swap order for BLU/WAR TP set:

waist---->twilight to Tojil belt(but keep DW head)
earring ------>DW set earring
neck------>acc neck
body----->mani R15 body

Swap Mani R15 last, cuz it's too much DPS lose over thaumas. Ideally NEVER use mani R15 body over Thaumas.

Capping acc on Tojil seems to be easier than I thought according to spreadsheet, so the miss chain I experienced in Ceizak may be just eva boost or some sort.

Ass hard to cap acc on COR/DNC, fuck 30k gimp delve weapons.

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