Wednesday 14 September 2011


So yesterday I logged on to FFXI for a BR run, I've been try to do as many salvage run as possible recently, since my 2nd mythic quest only has token and alex left. After /shout in WG for a bit, Tavera(I secretly unblist him at some point of time earlier without telling anyone, because I'm just that type of person that can't easily hate others) sent a /tell that he wanted to do salvage if I don't hate him. Although I was quite happy that one more ppl express interested in Salvage so I can farm alex, in face, happier that I didn't really lose an old long time friend, I still hesitated to accept his friend request.....I know history repeats itself. And I know what type of person we both are, and the fact that I didn't change at all.

So yeah, although I didn't got many alex yesterday, I was still fairly happy. Although it probably won't be the same as it once were, and I probably will just ignore the friend request as it doesn't exist.

I decided to play COR once more for the run just to buff(regain whore I mean) a pt of pimp empy WAR DRK MNK, and that kinda made me realized the fact that I no longer enjoy playing the job is, indeed, real. More real than I though it is.

Basically, 3 empy DDs just rape and pwn shit in BR, while I regain whore nekkid.....they're the center of the attention, while the regain whore is barely noticeable.

So if I want to make a couple of suggestion to mythic's not really a "guide", since I'm pretty sure many ppl can build mythic way more efficient than me, and I can't really teach anyone anything. But if you're interested in hopping on the mythic building bandwagon, maybe this post will help you know how it's like for a bit.

Suggestion No.1 of making mythic:
Don't make Mythic for the sake of show off or just because it's all rare and you want a rare weapon and not empy bandwagon. Unless you're hardcore to a way that even mythic is a piece of cake that doesn't require any effort at all, and you can finish in 3 months etc.


Because the value of an item changes, and in case of FFXI, the value decrease over time for most of the items. You may regret in the future if mythic ended up becoming as common item as empys are today.

1 year ago at this point of time, if you own a lv 85 empy, you're fking pimp. Because only most hardcore players had a lv 85, or even lv 80 empy 1 year ago. Now if you own a lv 85 empy, it doesn't even worth mentioning because it's lv 85 not 90, plus everyone and their mother has at least one empy.

2 years ago if you're a relic owner, you're an elite tier player who is probably a LS leader/rich ass crafter/gil buyer. Nowadays relic owner doesn't even get that much respect. Not just because relic is weaker than it used to be, but also because relic is much easily obtainable nowadays, even if you're not a LS leader or rich ass. It's still not as bandwagon as empy atm, and requires some time to do. But if a BST can solo 800k~1M worth of currency a dyna run, why can't a small group of friends complete a relic in months?

SE already mentioned they will make mythic easier, you never know if all your effort will be wasted 10 years later. And you never know of mythic still has as much value as it is today. So don't start a mythic if you just want to be an unique snowflake.

Suggestion No.2:
Don't make the weapon if you like the job. Don't make the weapon if you love the job. Only make the weapon if you're really really really really sure you will be this job, no matter how SE change it or nerf it.

Mythic atm requires at least 1 year+ to finish even if you're the most hardcore player in the world. And you never know if you will change your taste in 1 year.

Average players maybe need 3~5 years. Ppl changes all the time, 3~5 year can change you. Your favorite/most dedicated job 3~5 years ago doesn't mean it's your favorite job now. I changed, and I considered myself a very, very stubborn player.

Suggestion No.3:
Make friends, don't be an ass to newer ppl. Connections are way to important for Mythic building, and newer ppl are may be your main source of assault/token/alex gain. Connections are important, the more ppl you know, the easier it will be. This applies to every other gear grind in FFXI too.

So you started it. Basically all titles are a joke nowadays since NMs so weak. Assault is best be done with a static aiming for captain. Once I saw a mythic builder /shouting in Jeuno for assault, IMO that's just a waste of time. Get two statics, one for captain one for relog, set a day and time so no waiting no /shouting, that's the most efficient way to get 100 assault done.

The most efficient way to get ppl wanting F100 weapons to sponsor, you get 1.9k token per run with armband. If your pt is good enough, you can climb more floors for 3k+ token a tag. Nyzul is very fast if you done right.

Another way is to make a Nyzul climb static. It's slower this way because not a lot of token gain at lower lv, but after you help your static finish climb you get more sense of achievement than just getting a token static and spamming F100.

Einherjar is fairly straight forward....join an Einherjar group/LS and do Ein for 1 year.....unless you can find enough ppl to get in ._.

Haven't start ZNM stage so idk how's it like, but I assume it will be very easy after update with 100% drop.

Alex is the only real hard part, and real test to your dedication. If you're rich, you may still find it hard to collect 30k alex due to the competition on the market. Any alex in bazaar that's 10k or lower will be gone in a few min, since everyone all making a mythic atm. Not even currency sells that fast. If you only rely on buying, it will take very long time to complete with that many ppl buying them.
Your best bet is probably to farm alex yourself. If you have 5 mules, you can do 5 salvage run a day, getting 300~500 alex a day.

If you want to make a pt for Salvage, the best pt size is 3~4 ppl. Pt that's too big requires too long gather time, and not really worth it. It is probably more efficient to have 2 pt of 3 ppl if you get 6 ppl. If you're having a lowman pt, fire power is really important. Since you would want to kill every NM and every gear in that zone plus the boss for max alex drops. Which isn't easy if you don't have enough DD power.

Empy MNK SAM WAR DRK pwn shit in salvage, MNK is especially good(it's not because everyone said MNK is good in salvage so I said MNK is good....they're just that good and makes a big differece). They're good DDs on normal mobs, and certainly best job on the boss with high survive-ability and just rapes bosses with power. If you can get an empy MNK for salvage, get it, you will be very happy.

DRK and WAR also has top firepower in salvage, with WAR a little bit stronger than DRK but DRK has access to some magics. But both jobs are just glass cannons. SAM is also pretty good in salvage with DD power and survive-ability. But none of them is as good as a MNK for boss if equally geared/skilled.

THF is good to have for TH purpose. Since you want pouch from boss and some pt member may need 35. But it also lowers the overall pt dmg output(especially if you're small pts). IMO if it takes too long to find a THF, may as well just skip it and do SSR.

For healers, RDM is better than WHM due to access to refresh without SJ. Although WHM can still work fine if you give them SJ cell from the start.

Other unusual jobs I've used for Salvage includes BLU BST COR NIN. BLU has ok dmg on weak mobs, just it's dmg isn't as good as the above 4 DDs with limited MP. But AoE sleep can be useful if you wanna farm alex in SSR 4th floor. BST is fairly decent when shit happened, and pet can tank NM/boss easily. You got TH too. Plus having a pet can speed up the kill on SSR boss fight. But once again, you can farm alex efficiently with just MNK THF RDM, so you don't really need to replace anyone with a BST. They also requires more cell and dmg output not as good. COR is nothing but a regain whore/puller, works the best if you have larger pt size. But it'd probably limited to puller/buffer only. Also, WF dmg sucked* without AGI cell, it seems to lost more dmg than other WSs without stat unlocked. Makes this job fairly weak to deal dmg overall. NIN is weak in terms of dmg too, I think Migawari may have it's use in ZR, and that's probably it.

There are 3 areas that's most common for alex farm, I never try to farm ZR because I heard it sucked. So the other choices are BR, SSR, and AR.

This area is very luck dependent, so I personally don't like it. Alex gain all rely on whether the ramp part spawns NM or not, and most of the time they don't ;/

Due to limited amount of time, you probably only have enough time to try 1~2 ramparts. First one is 1st floor, since you only need to kill one mob for it to spawn, so it's pretty fast. There's a rumor that if the rampart didn't spawn NM after 50%, then it won't spawn, so you can just wait until 50% and get out and try second rampart if it didn't spawn. I personally don't like 2nd floor rampart, since flans takes a while to kill due to PDT-, and I usually only allow only one DD WS to avoid SC, making it takes even longer to kill. I never try to farm 3rd floor rampart, but I think it's decent choice since you can kill gears. Rest of the alex come from boss and 4th floor gears. IMO BR is suitable for all sorts of pt setup cuz you don't really rely on TH or DD power to farm alex.

A LOT of NMs here, all has 1/4 drop rate on pouch(Archaic chariot has 100%). If you want to farm alex here, you need THF with max TH. Also need decent DD power to kill all NMs+boss since it can be kinda time consuming. IMO best place to farm alex, just need TH.

You can kill 4 NMs with 100% drop rate on pouch. Lots of gears to kill in this zone too. Since pouch drop rate is 100%, IMO it's a good place to farm when I can't get a THF. Again, SSR requires a lot of firepower if you want to kill them all, but the good thing is it also rains cell, so you can make a bigger pt to kill fast.


  1. Everything about the mythics, except the Alexandrite is reasonable. The Alexandrite portion of the quest is ridiculous. Until they improve that, my mythic will never happen. I'm ready to go with much of it, but there is no way I can afford 30k alex. And I don't have the time to farm Salvage every day on 5 mules....

  2. tl;dr

    When did people start caring about mythics again? I must've missed something.

  3. I feel guilty for:

    1- Insisting that the VIP DDs come.

    2- Forcing you to play COR.

    The requirements for the mythic quest are atrocious anyways. I would never repeat Assaults again...most were boring, so there is no value whatsoever for replaying them.

  4. Actually you can just do salvage once everyday without mules, as long as you're getting 50~100 a run it should take only(?) 1~2 years of daily salvage runs.

    Of course still slightly longer than 75 era relic.

    Technically I had fun meeting with new ppl in last run, and was pretty happy that I can pt with Tavera again. And in fact I think with such large pt size and pimp DDs last time, it's probably better for me to come COR than BLU. Since I can add more dmg to the pt with just JA cell.(While BLU need to compete with 4 other melees for cells to deal dmg)

    It just that for some reason I liked BLU way more than COR now. Maybe because my BLU finally got most of the good gears(except empy/salvage stuff) and has better performance now. And those new spells looks fun too.

    I actually don't hate assault, cuz my static were awesome and fun to be with. Although I admit 7 months(including our original Nyzul static) of no Sunday afternoon is a pain kinda......

  5. Well I'm glad to hear that:

    1- You were pretty happy.

    2- I'm a pimp DD.

    3- I'm awesome.


    ...but you had to Q.Q to me like no tomorrow that night..

  6. I Q.Q that night mostly due to the frustration of time needed to farm Salvage(took too long to gather a pt) and hardly get any alex, and the fact that I don't have enough time to play FFXI for that long that night....

    Then I realized as long as I have rl stuff there's no way I can farm salvage without frustration, then I decided to quit after this Sun static run......


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