Thursday 13 June 2013


Recently my JP LS started to talk about COR refresh set, because COR/WHM seems to revived in SoA content.

Out of curiosity, I pulled out my COR/WHM MP set that I haven't use for ages just to see how much MP reachable atm.

I used to /WHM on COR for nearly every endgame event @75, but after Abyssea come out /WHM died silently so I really haven't touch cure potency set/MP/refresh and such for very long time.

One major difference between COR/WHM now and COR/WHM at 75 is that COR has access to more refresh gear and higher cure potency, another thing is that delve NMs are sleepable, and you need all the macc you can get to land sleep on them, making +MP build, IMO, not all that effective because you gonna swap out for macc/refresh/cure pot sometime.

Anyways time to try it out!

 COR cure potency/refresh/MP mix:

448 MP, with all my cure potency gears. I can add 200 more MP from gun+merit, 70 more from ring2, keeping 1st ring slot open for roller or luzaf, 6 more on back, 10 more on hands, but it's something I probably won't bother to get so I'm fine with Thurandaut. 30 more MP with ZNM shield.

Also for anyone having refresh moonshade, can keep 1 ear open.

That's 764 MP total, with 2 refresh spot(1 ring 1 earring) open.

If using refresh head/legs/grip(which I don't have btw, since I'm gimp and don't do endgame), you can get 699 MP and 5 tick(with a No.11 on) refresh.

Should always leave head spot open for phantom roll anyways.

Oh, and +10 MP if you have HQ body :)

709 MP+ 5 tic refresh, almost as bad as a Galka BLU!

Actually, not so bad, considering my BLU only has 3 tic idle D;

What's highest MP pool achievable on a hume?

 If remove all refresh slot for MP pieces, you get 709+ 99(head)+50(ring)+30(shield)+20(ear)+45(neck)+32(legs)=985

A hume COR/WHM can hit 985 MP and taru can probably break 1k.

Obviously it's not so useful without refresh pieces and cure potency pieces, not to mention if you intend to use light shot for stun, poof MP gone! :)

If not using light shot 699 MP set is probably more ideal, so you can swap out head, ring and legs for Phantom roll gears(probably hands for PR too).

Since I'm bored with this game, gonna try to build a COR/WHM and pretend that I'm gonna use it someday :)

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